Natively Digital: A Curated NFT Sale

Natively Digital: A Curated NFT Sale

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 10. The Shell Record.

Anna Ridler

The Shell Record

Lot Closed

June 10, 02:54 PM GMT


Upon Request

Lot Details


Owner: Anna Ridler

Anna Ridler

b. 1985

The Shell Record


Non-fungible Token ERC-721

Token ID: 0


Minted on May 31, 2021, ed. 1/1

The first time that the NFT is sold it will include 1 png and 1 moving image piece 

The second time the NFT  is sold it will include 2 pngs and 2 moving image pieces 

The third time the NFT  is sold it will include 3 pngs and 3 moving image pieces 

The fourth time the NFT  is sold it will include 4 pngs and 4 moving image pieces 

It stops growing at this point.

Smart contract address: 0x931f6a2c2FD174115c93247c63D47E85cF319b35

The following condition report is provided by nameless™.

This non-fungible token (NFT) is in Excellent condition. Excellent means an average user could easily regain access to the token if there was ever an issue with the current hosting service, and there is no dispute as to ownership of the token.

The NFT’s data storage security is very high. The nameless platform utilizes Arweave and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for storage. Both of these platforms are very secure methods for storing NFT data. Utilization of both platforms simultaneously further increases the confidence that the media data will remain available.

The metadata permanence associated with the NFT is higher than current industry standards. The metadata presented meets most average open standards set forth in the Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP) that have been adopted by most major platforms to ensure that display and associated traits/functions perform similarly.

There are royalties of 15% on secondary sales enforced in the contract which should be honored by most major NFT platforms. 

nameless™ Condition Reports are statements of opinion only and not representation of fact. The reports are non-exhaustive and based solely on information provided to nameless and/or obtained by nameless prior to sale, unless otherwise specified. The reports may make reference to a lot’s smart contract details and history, metadata and/or media file specifics, storage, and/or origin, and other token features, however such reports may not refer to or identify all faults and potential vulnerabilities that may exist. The images of a lot form part of the condition report for the lot, however certain images of a lot provided online may not accurately reflect the actual condition of the lot. Condition reports may make reference to particular imperfections of a lot, although the lot may have other faults or issues not expressly referred to in the condition report for the lot or shown in the online images of the lot.

Condition reports are not an alternative to carrying out your own inspection and investigation of a lot and/or seeking your own independent professional advice. All auction participants should inspect a lot and satisfy oneself as to its condition prior to bidding. The responsibility for ascertaining the condition of a lot remains with the purchaser, and nameless cannot be held responsible for the content of condition reports, which are provided for guidance only in assessing the condition of a lot. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS ONLINE CONDITION REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE RESPECTIVE SALE(S).