Master Sculpture and Works of Art Part II

Master Sculpture and Works of Art Part II

Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, Washington, D.C.

Possibly South German, 17th/18th century

Saint Sebastian

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January 30, 08:18 PM GMT


12,000 - 18,000 USD

Lot Details


Possibly South German, 17th/18th century

Saint Sebastian

bronze, on a marble socle

height 15 5/8 in.; 39.7cm.

Daniel Katz, Ltd., London 
A similar version of the present bronze is in the Victoria and Albert Museum (inv. no. A.111-1910) and was attributed by Planiscig to Gianfrancesco Susini (circa 1585- after 1653). This attribution has since been revised, and the V&A example has more recently been tentatively described by the museum as French. A slightly rougher cast of the model is preserved in the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio (inv. no. 1972.23). Wixom catalogued it as German, possibly Augsburg, circa 1530-1540, and argued it might be the prototype for later casts, such as that in London. The Cleveland example is now listed on the Museum's website as "German, 1600s or later"  Other versions include one formerly in the Castiglioni collection, Vienna, and one formerly in the collection of Professor Michael Jaffe sold in these rooms 3 July 2018, lot 82. 

L. Planiscig, Sammlung Camillo Castiglioni, Vienna, 1923, no. 91; 
L. Planiscig, Piccoli Bronzi Italiani del Rinascimento, Milan, 1930, fig. 377;
W. Wixom, Renaissance Bronzes from Ohio Collections, Cleveland, 1975, no. 179 

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