Master Paintings & Sculpture Part I

Master Paintings & Sculpture Part I

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 4. Don Juan de Cárdenas and Doña Juana de Ludeña, Duke and Duchess of Maqueda.

Property from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery

Spain, Toledo, late 16th century

Don Juan de Cárdenas and Doña Juana de Ludeña, Duke and Duchess of Maqueda

Auction Closed

January 28, 04:44 PM GMT


400,000 - 600,000 USD

Lot Details


Property from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery

Spain, Toledo, late 16th century

Don Juan de Cárdenas and Doña Juana de Ludeña, Duke and Duchess of Maqueda


the hands of the Duchess are detached

heights 57 1/2 in. and 50 1/2 in.; 146 and 128cm.

Church of San Juan Bautista, Maqueda, Toledo;
Church of Santa Maria de Los Alcazares, Maqueda, Toledo, until after 1894;
M. Schutz, Paris;
Jacques Seligmann and Co., New York;
From whom acquired, 1948
M. Cervino, “Excursion a Torrijos, Maqueda, Escalona de Alberche y Almorox,” Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Excursiones, December, 1894, pp. 194-198 (illus.);
L. Reau, “Deux chefs d’oeuvre de la sculpture espagnol a Paris,” in Les Beaux Arts (Le Journal des Arts), March 27, 1942, p. 3 (illus.);
Magazine of Art, December, 1948, pp. 302-5 (illus.);
A. C. Ritchie, "Two Masterpieces of Spanish Sculpture" in Gallery Notes, Fall-Winter, 1948-1949, pp. 3-5 (illus.);
AQ, Autumn, 1949, p.275 (illus.);
B. G. Proske, Pompeo Leoni. Work in marble and alabaster in relation to Spanish sculpture, The Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1956, n. 33, p. 43; 
S. A. Nash, Paintings and Sculpture. Antiquity to 1942, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York, 1979, p. 188;
Rosa Lopez Torrijos and Juan Nicolau Castro, 'La Familia Cardenas, Juan de Lugano Y Los Encargos de escultura Genovesa en el siglo XVI' in Bulletin of the Art and Archeology Studies Seminar, BSAA, vo. 68, 2002, pp. 169-190, fig. 5 (illus.)
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