Majestic America: Property from an Important Western Collector

Majestic America: Property from an Important Western Collector

Majestic America: Property from an Important Western Collector

Majestic America: Property from an Important Western Collector

14 January - 21 January 2021 • New York

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Heading for Rendezvous

1 Heading for Rendezvous

Crow Beaded Hide Martingale, Great Plains, Circa 1880

2 Crow Beaded Hide Martingale, Great Plains, Circa 1880

Yokuts Coiled and Polychrome Basket Bowl, San Joaquin Valley, California, Circa 1900 - 1910

3 Yokuts Coiled and Polychrome Basket Bowl, San Joaquin Valley, California, Circa 1900 - 1910

Lakota Beaded and Quilled Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1860 - 1870

4 Lakota Beaded and Quilled Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1860 - 1870

The New Pony

5 The New Pony

Pair of Cheyenne Beaded Hide Moccasins

6 Pair of Cheyenne Beaded Hide Moccasins

Crow Trade Cloth Dress with Pendant Elk Teeth

7 Crow Trade Cloth Dress with Pendant Elk Teeth

Lamar Valley, Yellowstone

8 Lamar Valley, Yellowstone

Lakota Stone Effigy Club Head

9 Lakota Stone Effigy Club Head

John Colter Meets Manuel Lisa

10 John Colter Meets Manuel Lisa

When Evening Comes

11 When Evening Comes

Lakota Beaded and Quilled Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1900

12 Lakota Beaded and Quilled Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1900

Lakota Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1860

13 Lakota Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1860

Winter Hunt

14 Winter Hunt

Yokuts Coiled Polychromed Figurative Friendship Basket, San Joaquin Valley, California, Circa 1910 - 1920

15 Yokuts Coiled Polychromed Figurative Friendship Basket, San Joaquin Valley, California, Circa 1910 - 1920

Arapaho Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1880

16 Arapaho Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1880

Getting Ready to Go

17 Getting Ready to Go

Ojibwe Inlaid Steatite Pipe

18 Ojibwe Inlaid Steatite Pipe

Maidu Coiled Geometric Basket Bowl, Northeast Central California, Circa 1910 - 1920

19 Maidu Coiled Geometric Basket Bowl, Northeast Central California, Circa 1910 - 1920

When In-Laws Come to Visit

20 When In-Laws Come to Visit

Lakota Beaded Saddle Throw, Circa 1890 - 1900

22 Lakota Beaded Saddle Throw, Circa 1890 - 1900

Autumn Trail

23 Autumn Trail

Central Plains Pictorial Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag

24 Central Plains Pictorial Beaded Hide Tobacco Bag

High Street - San Miguel de Allende

25 High Street - San Miguel de Allende

Yakima Pictorial Beaded Bag, Circa 1910

26 Yakima Pictorial Beaded Bag, Circa 1910

Cheyenne Beaded and Tinned Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1870

28 Cheyenne Beaded and Tinned Hide Tobacco Bag, Circa 1870

Gathering for the Basket Dance

29 Gathering for the Basket Dance

Pomo Twined Burden Basket, Northwest California, Circa 1900 - 1910

30 Pomo Twined Burden Basket, Northwest California, Circa 1900 - 1910

Lakota Beaded and Quilled Pipe Bag

31 Lakota Beaded and Quilled Pipe Bag

Lakota Beaded Blanket Strip

32 Lakota Beaded Blanket Strip

Rain Turning To Snow

33 Rain Turning To Snow

Navajo Floor Rug with a White Field, Crystal Trading Post, Circa 1910

34 Navajo Floor Rug with a White Field, Crystal Trading Post, Circa 1910

Cree Quilled Hide Knife Sheath, 19th Century

35 Cree Quilled Hide Knife Sheath, 19th Century

September Sun

36 September Sun

Clearing the Palo Duro

37 Clearing the Palo Duro

Lakota Girl's Trade Cloth Dress

38 Lakota Girl's Trade Cloth Dress

Showtime at the Navajo Fair

39 Showtime at the Navajo Fair

Three Beaded Hide Strike a Light Pouches

40 Three Beaded Hide Strike a Light Pouches

Crossing a Windfall

41 Crossing a Windfall

Mono Lake Paiute Geometric Coiled Basket, Eastern California, Circa 1920

42 Mono Lake Paiute Geometric Coiled Basket, Eastern California, Circa 1920

Blackfeet Beaded Hide Sheath

43 Blackfeet Beaded Hide Sheath

Maidu Pictorial Coiled Basket, Northeast Central California

44 Maidu Pictorial Coiled Basket, Northeast Central California

Navajo Runner

45 Navajo Runner

Winter Drifter

46 Winter Drifter

Six Aleutian Islands Twined Lidded Miniature Baskets

48 Six Aleutian Islands Twined Lidded Miniature Baskets

Winter Treats

49 Winter Treats

Large Navajo Germantown Sampler with Train Pictorials, Circa 1890

50 Large Navajo Germantown Sampler with Train Pictorials, Circa 1890

Swinelette O'Hara

51 Swinelette O'Hara