Important Chinese Art including Imperial Jades from the De An Tang Collection

Important Chinese Art including Imperial Jades from the De An Tang Collection

全螢幕檢視 - 查看3606An important imperial inscribed Khotan spinach-green jade 'Immortals of Mount Fantong' brushpot Yuti mark and period of Qianlong, dated to the yimao year, corresponding to 1795 | 清乾隆 御製和闐碧玉題詩「樊桐仙侶」筆筒 《乾隆乙卯夏御題》款 「德充符」印的1

Property from the De An Tang Collection 德安堂藏玉

An important imperial inscribed Khotan spinach-green jade 'Immortals of Mount Fantong' brushpot Yuti mark and period of Qianlong, dated to the yimao year, corresponding to 1795 | 清乾隆 御製和闐碧玉題詩「樊桐仙侶」筆筒 《乾隆乙卯夏御題》款 「德充符」印



October 13, 04:27 AM GMT


4,000,000 - 6,000,000 HKD


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Property from the De An Tang Collection

An important imperial inscribed Khotan spinach-green jade 'Immortals of Mount Fantong' brushpot

Yuti mark and period of Qianlong, dated to the yimao year, corresponding to 1795


清乾隆 御製和闐碧玉題詩「樊桐仙侶」筆筒 《乾隆乙卯夏御題》款 「德充符」印

of cylindrical form and resting on five ruyi feet, the thick wall masterfully worked around the exterior with a wondrous scene set with lush vegetation and depicting groups of immortals engaging in various activities, including two conversing with an attendant nearby under arched rockwork above gushing waters, and another two gathered around a table with an attendant pouring tea into the cup held by one immortal, all below a gilt-incised inscription reading Fantong xianlü below the rim, which is similarly gilt-incised with an imperial poem followed by a yuti mark dated to the summer of the yimao year (corresponding to 1795) and a seal reading de chong fu ('sign of virtue within'), the mottled spinach-green jade with dark speckles, wood stand

14.7 cm




An old French collection.
