The Hundred Antiques: Fine and Decorative Asian Art

The Hundred Antiques: Fine and Decorative Asian Art

The Hundred Antiques: Fine and Decorative Asian Art

The Hundred Antiques: Fine and Decorative Asian Art

17 September - 29 September 2021 • New York

Your local time • 13:30 PM GMT

A small yellow-ground green- and aubergine-enameled 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 黃地紫綠彩雙龍戲珠紋小盤 《大清道光年製》款

901 A small yellow-ground green- and aubergine-enameled 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 黃地紫綠彩雙龍戲珠紋小盤 《大清道光年製》款

A blue and white 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花趕珠雲龍紋盤 《大清嘉慶年製》款

902 A blue and white 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花趕珠雲龍紋盤 《大清嘉慶年製》款

A sgraffiato-ground famille-rose 'immortal' wine cup, Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 白地軋道粉彩仙人圖盃 《嶰竹主人造》款

903 A sgraffiato-ground famille-rose 'immortal' wine cup, Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 白地軋道粉彩仙人圖盃 《嶰竹主人造》款

A green-enameled 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 白地暗刻海水綠彩趕珠龍紋盤 《大清道光年製》款

904 A green-enameled 'dragon' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 白地暗刻海水綠彩趕珠龍紋盤 《大清道光年製》款

A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose dishes, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 黃地粉彩「萬壽無疆」盤一對 《大清光緒年製》款

905 A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose dishes, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 黃地粉彩「萬壽無疆」盤一對 《大清光緒年製》款

A famille-rose 'hundred antiques' scallop-rim ogee bowl, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩聚瑞圖花口折腰盌 《大清嘉慶年製》款

906 A famille-rose 'hundred antiques' scallop-rim ogee bowl, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩聚瑞圖花口折腰盌 《大清嘉慶年製》款

A pair of iron-red 'bat and shou' dishes, Seal marks and period of Daoguang | 清道光 礬紅彩福壽紋盤一對 《大清道光年製》款

907 A pair of iron-red 'bat and shou' dishes, Seal marks and period of Daoguang | 清道光 礬紅彩福壽紋盤一對 《大清道光年製》款

A copper-red-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty | 清 紅釉長頸瓶

908 A copper-red-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty | 清 紅釉長頸瓶

A 'Dehua' 'Montgolfier balloon' ewer, Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 德化白釉孟格菲熱氣球形執壺

909 A 'Dehua' 'Montgolfier balloon' ewer, Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 德化白釉孟格菲熱氣球形執壺

A blue and white 'three friends of winter' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 青花歲寒三友圖盤 《大清道光年製》款

910 A blue and white 'three friends of winter' dish, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 青花歲寒三友圖盤 《大清道光年製》款

A pair of yellow-glazed ingot-shaped wine cups, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 黃釉元寶形小盃一對

911 A pair of yellow-glazed ingot-shaped wine cups, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 黃釉元寶形小盃一對

A copper-red-glazed dish, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 紅釉盤 《大清嘉慶年製》款

912 A copper-red-glazed dish, Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 紅釉盤 《大清嘉慶年製》款

An iron-red-decorated 'dragon' zhadou, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 礬紅彩趕珠雲龍紋渣斗

913 An iron-red-decorated 'dragon' zhadou, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 礬紅彩趕珠雲龍紋渣斗

A pair of inscribed famille-rose 'Views of Jiangxi' dishes, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 粉彩江西十景圖盤一對 《麻姑仙壇》及《西山疊翠》款

914 A pair of inscribed famille-rose 'Views of Jiangxi' dishes, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 粉彩江西十景圖盤一對 《麻姑仙壇》及《西山疊翠》款

A small yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' dish, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢小盤 《同治年製》款

915 A small yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' dish, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢小盤 《同治年製》款

A pair of famille-verte 'officials' ovoid jars and covers, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 五彩人物故事圖蓋罐一對

916 A pair of famille-verte 'officials' ovoid jars and covers, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 五彩人物故事圖蓋罐一對

An iron-red, famille-verte and gilt 'Magu and deer' lobed dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩描金麻姑獻壽圖花口盤

917 An iron-red, famille-verte and gilt 'Magu and deer' lobed dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩描金麻姑獻壽圖花口盤

A peachbloom-glazed 'beehive' waterpot, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 豇豆紅釉團龍紋太白尊 《大清康熙年製》仿款

918 A peachbloom-glazed 'beehive' waterpot, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 豇豆紅釉團龍紋太白尊 《大清康熙年製》仿款

A molded 'clair-de-lune'-glazed 'quails' vase, Republic period | 民國 天藍釉浮雕竹石鵪鶉圖瓶 《慎德堂製》款

919 A molded 'clair-de-lune'-glazed 'quails' vase, Republic period | 民國 天藍釉浮雕竹石鵪鶉圖瓶 《慎德堂製》款

A carved white-glazed soft-paste 'peony' vase and a small turquoise-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty | 清 白釉暗刻牡丹紋瓶及孔雀藍釉小長頸瓶

920 A carved white-glazed soft-paste 'peony' vase and a small turquoise-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty | 清 白釉暗刻牡丹紋瓶及孔雀藍釉小長頸瓶

A carved celadon-glazed 'lotus' jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青釉刻纏枝蓮紋罐

921 A carved celadon-glazed 'lotus' jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青釉刻纏枝蓮紋罐

A famille-verte 'figural' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩蘇武牧羊圖盤

922 A famille-verte 'figural' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩蘇武牧羊圖盤

A pair of blue and white ‘phoenix’ cups, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花穿花鳳紋盃一對 《大明嘉靖年製》款

923 A pair of blue and white ‘phoenix’ cups, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花穿花鳳紋盃一對 《大明嘉靖年製》款

A blue and white 'hundred antiques' box and cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖圍棋蓋罐

924 A blue and white 'hundred antiques' box and cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖圍棋蓋罐

A blue and white 'dragon' rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花海水龍紋棒槌瓶

925 A blue and white 'dragon' rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花海水龍紋棒槌瓶

A powder-blue-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period |  清康熙 灑藍釉長頸瓶

926 A powder-blue-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 灑藍釉長頸瓶

A blue and white 'hundred antiques' brushpot, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖筆筒

927 A blue and white 'hundred antiques' brushpot, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖筆筒

A large powder-blue-ground blue and white 'bird and flower' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 灑藍地開光青花花鳥圖罐

928 A large powder-blue-ground blue and white 'bird and flower' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 灑藍地開光青花花鳥圖罐

A large blue and white 'ladies' lobed dish, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花仕女圖花口大盤 《大清康熙年製》款

929 A large blue and white 'ladies' lobed dish, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花仕女圖花口大盤 《大清康熙年製》款

A blue and white 'figural' beaker vase, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花人物故事圖花觚

930 A blue and white 'figural' beaker vase, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花人物故事圖花觚

A blue and white 'hundred antiques' ovoid jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花博古圖罐

931 A blue and white 'hundred antiques' ovoid jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花博古圖罐

A blue and white 'qilin' ovoid jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花芭蕉麒麟圖罐

932 A blue and white 'qilin' ovoid jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花芭蕉麒麟圖罐

Two blue and white ribbed 'phoenix' ovoid jars, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光團鳳紋罐一組兩件

933 Two blue and white ribbed 'phoenix' ovoid jars, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光團鳳紋罐一組兩件

A blue and white 'three friends of winter' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花歲寒三友圖罐

934 A blue and white 'three friends of winter' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花歲寒三友圖罐

A large blue and white 'lotus' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花纏枝蓮紋大罐

935 A large blue and white 'lotus' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花纏枝蓮紋大罐

A blue and white 'hundred antiques' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖罐

936 A blue and white 'hundred antiques' ovoid jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花博古圖罐

A large blue and white 'figural' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花秦樓佳偶圖大罐

937 A large blue and white 'figural' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花秦樓佳偶圖大罐

A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster jar and cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光山水花卉圖大蓋罐

938 A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster jar and cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光山水花卉圖大蓋罐

A large blue and white faceted 'flowers' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光花卉紋大罐

939 A large blue and white faceted 'flowers' baluster jar, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光花卉紋大罐

Two blue and white bottle vases, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青花長頸瓶一組兩件

940 Two blue and white bottle vases, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青花長頸瓶一組兩件

An underglaze-blue and copper-red 'figural' vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花釉里紅開光人物圖棒槌瓶

941 An underglaze-blue and copper-red 'figural' vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花釉里紅開光人物圖棒槌瓶

A pair of silver-mounted blue and white bottle vases, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花花卉紋瓶一對配後鑲銀口

942 A pair of silver-mounted blue and white bottle vases, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花花卉紋瓶一對配後鑲銀口

A blue-ground gauze 'dragon' lady's robe, Late Qing dynasty | 清末 藍地納紗暗花團龍紋氅衣

943 A blue-ground gauze 'dragon' lady's robe, Late Qing dynasty | 清末 藍地納紗暗花團龍紋氅衣

A blue-ground silk brocade 'dragon' robe (Jifu), Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 藍地織錦雲龍紋吉服

944 A blue-ground silk brocade 'dragon' robe (Jifu), Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 藍地織錦雲龍紋吉服

A sky-blue-ground embroidered silk Daoist priest's robe (Daopao), 20th century | 二十世紀 藍地盤金繡仙人圖道袍

945 A sky-blue-ground embroidered silk Daoist priest's robe (Daopao), 20th century | 二十世紀 藍地盤金繡仙人圖道袍

A purple-ground embroidered silk lady’s robe, Late Qing dynasty / 20th century | 清末 / 二十世紀 紫地缎繡花蝶紋袍

946 A purple-ground embroidered silk lady’s robe, Late Qing dynasty / 20th century | 清末 / 二十世紀 紫地缎繡花蝶紋袍

A bolt of purple-ground silk brocade, Late Qing dynasty / early 20th century | 清末 / 二十世紀初 紫地綢繡花卉龍紋料一匹

947 A bolt of purple-ground silk brocade, Late Qing dynasty / early 20th century | 清末 / 二十世紀初 紫地綢繡花卉龍紋料一匹

A pair of yellow-ground embroidered silk 'lotus' square cushions, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 黃地繡纏枝蓮紋迎手一對

948 A pair of yellow-ground embroidered silk 'lotus' square cushions, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 黃地繡纏枝蓮紋迎手一對