Golden Splendour – Gold Jewellery from the Collection of Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter

Golden Splendour – Gold Jewellery from the Collection of Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1066. A pair of Lio gold teardrop-shaped ear pendants Central Flores, Indonesian archipelago, 19th century or earlier | 十九世紀或更早 印尼群島弗洛勒斯中部 Lio族金耳飾一對.

Property from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection 雪月藏亞洲藝術珍品

A pair of Lio gold teardrop-shaped ear pendants Central Flores, Indonesian archipelago, 19th century or earlier | 十九世紀或更早 印尼群島弗洛勒斯中部 Lio族金耳飾一對

Lot Closed

July 28, 03:07 AM GMT


18,000 - 22,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection

A pair of Lio gold teardrop-shaped ear pendants

Central Flores, Indonesian archipelago, 19th century or earlier


十九世紀或更早 印尼群島弗洛勒斯中部 Lio族金耳飾一對

5.8 cm; 17.3 and 17.5 grams

The long, narrow island of Flores is one of the islands in the eastern half of Indonesia. The name Flores is the Portuguese word for 'flowers' and was given by Portuguese traders and missionaries when they came to the island in the 16th century.

On the eastern part of the island lie the Lio tribe, which hold a fascinating belief towards gold ornaments. They believe that gold is animate and associated with life in a profound sense. It is imbued with the spiritual and life forces. The life force within gold jewellery parallels the potential for new life brought to a marriage by a young, fertile woman. 

With a full-bellied, rounded oval shape and fringed by airy openwork, this type of Lio ear pendants are referred to as riti by Lio themselves, or as ate sage by Nagé people. The term ate sage derives from a complex concept that combines ideas of both the heart and mind. 

The curling plant-like motif cut from gold sheet symbolises the womb of the ancestral mother, as depicted on the walls of Lio clan houses. These earrings are meant to be given to a young woman by her fiancé and are sometimes massed together and worn as necklaces. 



耳飾呈橢圓形,象徵女性及繁殖力,耳飾周邊配上精緻的藤蔓紋飾。Lio族稱此類耳飾為「riti」,而另一個部落納格族人則稱之為「ate sage」。「ate sage」一詞帶心神合一之意,可見耳飾對族人的重要性。


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