Wines from the Cellar of Joseph Lau Part II

Wines from the Cellar of Joseph Lau Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 5015. Petrus 1995  (4 MAG).

Petrus 1995 (4 MAG)

Auction Closed

April 16, 12:37 PM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot Details


Petrus 1995 (4 MAG)

Labels damaged, bin soiled and reattached, 1 attached wrong and mis-aligned, residue of glue on bottles, in damaged 6 mag owc

This was the driest year since 1945, except for 1961. We used to say it was a bit 'reined in', a touch 'Protestant' even, but now it is much more 'Catholic' and uninhibited! Intense, warm leaves nose, the 'maquis', or scented, wild undergrowth, in full bloom. Immensely tempting. Great red fruit taste, brimming over with health and vivacity. Lovely silky finish. A superb mouthful and signature Petrus, hardly surprising in an excellent year for Merlot. Serena Sutcliffe, MW

WA 96 

這是自1945年以來波爾多最乾旱的年份(除了1961年以外)。 我們曾經認為此酒有點「拘緊」,並有一抹的「新教徒」嚴 肅的風格。不過現在卻有「天主教徒」的色彩,而且毫不羞 怯!她有一股強勁、溫潤葉子般的香氣,又有茂盛密林或野 生矮樹林的撲鼻薰香,誘得人心癢難當。出色的紅肉果子味 道,表現出健碩佳美、精神煥發的水準。餘韻柔順如絲。絕 佳的口感,在這個優秀的梅樂葡萄年份是理所當然的。施慧 娜(葡萄酒大師M.W.)

4 mags (owc)

The Hong Kong Tax has been fully paid on these lots, however, the buyer has sole responsibility for any transport costs and any duty or taxes when shipping the lot outside of Hong Kong.




Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.



Image shown is for reference only. For bottle condition please refer to cataloguing notes above.