World's Oldest Single Malt: Glenlivet Gordon & MacPhail Generations 80 Year Old 1940 + Finest and Rarest Spirits

World's Oldest Single Malt: Glenlivet Gordon & MacPhail Generations 80 Year Old 1940 + Finest and Rarest Spirits

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 5513. 輕井澤 Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Set 1999 (4 BTS 70CL)    .

輕井澤 Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Set 1999 (4 BTS 70CL)

Auction Closed

October 7, 03:39 AM GMT


80,000 - 100,000 HKD

Lot Details

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Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Set 1999

Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Cask #866 58.6 abv 1999

Distilled in 1999, bottled in 2017, ullage: very top shoulder, aged in Sherry Cask

Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Cask #864 57.3 abv 1999

Distilled in 1999, bottled in 2017, ullage: very top shoulder, aged in Sherry Cask

Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Cask #2380 59.7 abv 1999

Distilled in 1999, bottled in 2017, ullage: very top shoulder, aged in Sherry Cask

Karuizawa Geisha Miyako Odori Cask #2219 59.8 abv 1999

Distilled in 1999, bottled in 2017, ullage: very top shoulder, aged in Sherry Cask

4 bts 70cl (oc)

Images shown is for reference only. Actual item may differ.