Fine Jewels

Fine Jewels

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 75. Pair of ruby and diamond earrings (Paio di orecchini in diamanti e rubini).

Property of a Lady

Pair of ruby and diamond earrings (Paio di orecchini in diamanti e rubini)

Lot Closed

October 21, 02:16 PM GMT


7,000 - 9,000 EUR

Lot Details


Pair of synthetic ruby and diamond earrings

(Paio di orecchini in diamanti e rubini di sintesi)

Each decorated with a synthetic ruby briolette to a diamond surmount enhanced with marquise shaped diamonds.

(Decorati con due rubini sintetici taglio briolette sospesi a diamanti di taglio marquise).

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Accompanied by CISGEM short report no. 17646 stating rubies to be synthetic corundum.