Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Auction Closed
October 12, 04:28 AM GMT
800,000 - 1,200,000 HKD
Lot Details
Previously Attributed to Song Dynasty
Stele for Shi Chen
ink on paper, rubbing mounted in an album of fifty-six leaves
Titleslip by Zhang Zuyi (1849-1917) and with one seal of his
Preface by Zhang Zuyi and with one seal of his; by Shen Tang (1865-1921), dated bingchen (1916) and with one seal of his
Colophon by Zhang Zuyi, dated bingchen (1916), with one seal of his
with one collector's seal of Zhu Yizun (1629-1709); one collector's seal of Wang Shizhen (1634-1711); six collector's seals of Song Luo (1634-1714); two collector's seals of Zhu Yian (1882-1937); thirteen collector's seals of Qian Wenjin (1870-1938); six collector's seals of Qian Gan (1894-?) and four other collectors' seals
28.5 by 15 cm. 11⅛ by 5⅞ in. (56)
舊拓 史晨前後碑拓本
水墨紙本 五十六開冊
署簽:(張祖翼)宋搨史晨前後碑。 絅孫藏,磊堪。鈐印:磊翁
(一) (張祖翼)古鑑閣校藏宋搨漢史晨前後碑。 褧孫屬,磊盦署。鈐印:磊翁
(二) (沈塘)古鑑閣校碑圗。絅孫先生近得漁洋、牧仲二公所藏宋拓史晨碑。紙墨奇古,「家」、「秋」二字完全,墨林環寶也。裝成屬寫此圖於首,以誌古懽。丙辰(1916)清明節吳江沈塘。 鈐印:沈塘印
題跋:(張祖翼) 史晨前後二碑每行末一字嵌入碑趺,歷有年所非蝕也。至乾隆四十八年何夢華始升出之,乃得全文也。此本紙墨黯舊,“王家”之”家“字存,”春秋行禮“之”秋“字全。非宋拓不竟有此,足與端忠敏所得江蔗畦本相頡頏,至足寶也。丙辰(1916)夏正九月絅孫見示欣幸志之。桐城張祖翼書於上海客次。鈐印:磊堪六十以後文字之記
(朱彜尊) 竹垞
(王士禛) 漁洋山人
(宋犖) 臣犖(二鈐)、字牧仲(二鈐)、商丘宋氏收藏圖書(二鈐)
(朱翼盦) 翼盦審定金石書畫記、翼盦鑑藏
(秦文錦) 秦文錦印、絅孫收藏、絅孫收藏、古鑑閣、石墨善本、絅孫校定、秦氏文錦秘笈之印、絅孫三十年精力所聚、如此之寶存豈多、足吾所好玩天老焉、褧孫、永存珍祕、秦氏金石
(秦淦) 秦淦印、秦淦之印、清曽(二鈐)、秦淦印、秦清曽
Please refer to Chinese Literature.