Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Auction Closed
October 12, 04:28 AM GMT
20,000 - 40,000 HKD
Lot Details
Lu Ji (18th Century)
Landscape after Ancient Masters
ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll
signed Daqu Lu Ji, dated wuyin (1878), with a dedication and with one seal of the artist
Colophons by Lu Ziqi (20th century), dated wuyin (1938) and with one seal of his; by Jiang Kongyin (1864-1952) twice, dated jimao (1939) and with four seals of his; by Zhu Ruzhen (1870-1942), dated jimao (1939) and with two seals of his (one illegible); by Li Fengting (1884-1967) dated jimao (1939) and with one seal of his; by Li Zaiqin (20th century) and with one seal of his; by Liu Xiaoyun (20th century), dated dinghai (1947) and with one seal of his; by Ye Cizhou (20th century), dated wuzi (1948) and with three seals of his; by Tang Enpu (1881-1961), dated renchen (1952) and with two seals of his; by Lu Xiangfu (1868-1970), dated guisi (1953) and with one seal of his
Poetry hall by Ou Jiangong (1887-1971), dated bingwu (1966) and with two seals of his
64 by 36 cm. 25⅛ by 14⅛ in.
設色絹本 立軸
(區建公) 光德流芳。先太夫子達渠老先生山水遺墨,今全幅重新裝裱以留久遠,湘父吾師囑題畫眉,敬蒙應命,丙午(1966)春季,區建公敬觀時年八十。鈐印:建公之印、建公
(李載琴) 什襲珍藏以寄其桮棬之慕云爾,李載琴識。鈐印:載琴
(盧子騏) 民國戊寅(1938)四月男子騏拜題。鈐印:衮裳、拜孔揖顏
(朱汝珍) 衮裳、湘父仁兄屬題,令先德達渠先生法繪山水賦似郢正,己卯(1939)嘉平清遠朱汝珍識時年七十。鈐印:朱汝珍印、一印漫漶不辨
(李扆瑞) 己卯(1939)浴佛後十,香江旅次,七十八老拙李扆瑞。鈐印:莊渠
(江孔殷) 己卯端陽日。鈐印:霞盦
(劉筱雲) 達渠太老先生遺繪,丁亥(1947)初夏晚學劉筱雲敬題。鈐印:劉氏筱雲
(葉次周) 時戊子(1948)人日後二日,距先生作畫時已七十一年矣。番禺葉次周敬題時年七十四。鈐印:薛餳盦、葉、次周
(唐恩溥) 壬辰(1952)夏五,小弟唐恩溥並識。鈐印:唐恩溥印、天如六十後作
(盧湘父) 民國四十二年癸巳(1953)中元節,次男子駿謹識。鈐印:盧湘父