Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2604. Gai Qi 1773-1828 改琦 | literati elegant gathering  小舫乙丑同年雅集第一圖.

Gai Qi 1773-1828 改琦 | literati elegant gathering 小舫乙丑同年雅集第一圖

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October 12, 04:28 AM GMT


300,000 - 500,000 HKD

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Gai Qi 1773-1828

literati elegant gathering

ink and colour on paper, handscroll

signed Boyun Gai Qi, dated dingmao (1807) and with two seals of the artist

Titleslip by Pang Guojun and with one seal of his

Frontispiece by Yao Yuanzhi (1783-1852), dated bingwu (1726) and with two seals of his

Inscription on the frontispiece by Yao Yuanzhi (1783-1852) and with one seal of his

Colophon by Muzhanga (1782-1856), dated jiayin (1794) and with two seals of his; by Peng Bangchou(18th century), dated the twenty-second year of Daoguang reign (1842); by Zhu Jingmai and Zhu Yunding (19th-20th century ), dated yihai (1935) and with one seal of each; by Jin Beifan (20th century) and with one seal of his; by Chen Kuilong (1857-1948), dated bingzi (1936) and with two seals of his; by Liang Hongzhi (1882-1946), dated bingzi (1936) and with one seal of his; by Tan Zhekai (1889-1948), dated renwu (1942); by Yan Jiazhi (1885-1952), dated xinmao (1951); by Mao Guangsheng (1873-1959) and with one seal of his; and by Pang Guojun (1885-1966), dated xinmao (1951) and with two seals of his

46.1 by 366 cm. 18⅛ by 144⅛ in.


改琦 1773-1828


設色紙本 手卷






(穆彰阿) 歲甲寅(1794)秋九月,建卿世講重摹屬題,因錄舊句應之,鶴舫穆張阿書並識,時年七十有三。鈐印:穆彰阿印、鶴舫

(彭邦疇) 道光廿二年(1842)三月南州彭邦疇記。

(朱景邁、朱蘊鼐) 乙亥年(1935)三月姪曾孫景邁恭記,元孫運鼐謹書。鈐印:象甫、朱景邁印

(金北藩) 象甫仁兄世大人正題,世愚弟金北藩拜稿。鈐印:金北藩印

(陳夔龍) 象甫世講屬題,丙子(1936)七月八十老人庸庵陳夔龍拜稿。鈐印:陳夔龍印、兩度月宮遊客

(梁鴻志) 象甫仁兄世大人屬題即正,丙子(1936)十二月,梁鴻志稿。鈐印:眾異長壽、功夫在詩外

(譚澤闓) 象甫老兄先生屬題請正,壬午(1942)十月茶陵譚澤闓。鈐印:譚澤闓長壽年樂無極、心好奇玩工眇可喜之物

(嚴家熾) 辛卯(1951)十一月,如皋冒廣生撰,吳縣嚴家熾書。鈐印:冒廣生印、鶴亭、嚴家熾、孟繁

(冒廣生) 跋文撰竟,以病脊乞嚴孟繁親家代書,復成一詩,請象甫仁兄正之,七十九叟疚齋冒廣生記。鈐印:疚齋七十後作

(龐國鈞) 後第三辛卯(1951),象甫先生出示屬題,吳江龐國鈞。鈐印:龐國鈞