Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

全螢幕檢視 - 查看3063林風眠 Lin Fengmian | 風景 Landscape Scenery的1

「梅潔樓」珍藏廿世紀書畫(編號3062-3068)| Property from the M K Lau Collection (Lots 3062-3068)

林風眠 Lin Fengmian | 風景 Landscape Scenery


October 11, 09:48 AM GMT


2,600,000 - 3,800,000 HKD


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Read in English


Property from the M K Lau Collection (Lots 3062-3068)

Lin Fengmian (1900-1991)

Landscape Scenery

ink and colour on paper, framed

signed, with one seal of the artist

41.3 x 50 cm 16¼x 19⅝in.



林風眠 (1900-1991)


設色紙本 鏡框

款識 : 林風眠。

鈐印 : 「林風眠印」。


上海美術館,〈林風眠之路 — 林風眠百歲誕辰紀念〉,一九九九年十一月

香港會議展覽中心,梅潔樓及香港蘇富比聯合主辦,〈梅潔樓藏畫展覽 — 大師點滴〉,二○二一年四月十六至二十日

著錄 :〈美術家〉雙月刊第三十三期(香港,美術家出版社,一九八三年八月一日),頁12

〈現代美術家畫論‧作品‧生平 — 林風眠〉,朱樸編著(上海,學林出版社,一九八八年),圖版131



〈林風眠之路 ─ 林風眠百歲誕辰紀念〉(杭州,中國美術學院出版社,一九九九年十月),頁253


〈梅潔樓藏畫展覽 — 大師點滴〉(梅潔樓,二○二一年四月),頁38-39

41.3 x 50 cm 16¼x 19⅝in.

M K Lau Collection

Artists, issue No. 33, Artists Publishing House, Hong Kong, 1 Aug 1983, p. 12

On Modern Painters’ Theories, Works, and Biography: Lin Fengmian, edited by Zhu Pu, Shanghai, Xuelin Press, 1988, pl. 131

The Art of Lin Fengmian, Hong Kong Art Cente, 1992, p. 83

Ming Pao Monthly, Dec 1992 issue, Ming Pao Magazines Limited, Hong Kong

The Approach of Lin Fengmian: The Centenary of Lin Fengmian, China Academy of Art Press, Hangzhou, Oct 1999, p. 253

Xinmeishu, quarterly publication, vol. 20, no. 4, China Academy of Art Press, Hangzhou, Dec 1999, pl. 10

A Taste of the Masters – An Exhibition of Paintings from the M K Lau Collection, MK Lau Collection Limited, Apr 2021, p.38-39