Fearless: The Collection of Hester Diamond Part II

Fearless: The Collection of Hester Diamond Part II

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 198. Pyrite on Calcite.

Pyrite on Calcite

Lot Closed

January 29, 07:49 PM GMT


4,000 - 6,000 USD

Lot Details


Pyrite on Calcite

Xianghualing Ore Field, Linwu County, Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China

Overall size 30.0 x 24.0 x 10.5 cm. This large and attractive specimen is composed of numerous interpenetrating light grey translucent calcite rhombohedrons with fine deposits of minute pyrite crystals along select striations of the calcite crystal faces creating a delicate glittering gold appearance in proper lighting. Further accented by scattered internal fractures within the calcite displaying rainbow iridescence. With custom lucite base.

Iron Sulfide (FeS2), well known as the infamous “fool’s gold” and a prime commercial source of both sulfur and iron, is highly coveted by collectors intrigued by the lustrous, cubic and complex modified crystals that form both alone and in association with other minerals in rare conditions. Notable discoveries include Navajun, Spain and the Huanzala deposit in Peru, both very well represented in this collection.

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