Echoes of Fragrance – Evolution of Tea Culture from the Tang to the Qing Dynasties

Echoes of Fragrance – Evolution of Tea Culture from the Tang to the Qing Dynasties

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 5030. A very large and extremely rare Jian black-glazed temmoku bowl, Song dynasty 宋 建窰烏金釉斗笠大盌.

Property from the Aoyama Studio Collection 青山居珍藏

A very large and extremely rare Jian black-glazed temmoku bowl, Song dynasty 宋 建窰烏金釉斗笠大盌

Lot Closed

December 16, 02:30 AM GMT


220,000 - 320,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the Aoyama Studio Collection 青山居珍藏

A very large and extremely rare Jian black-glazed temmoku bowl,

Song dynasty

宋  建窰烏金釉斗笠大盌

21.7 cm

An Asian private collection.


This auction proudly presents three Jian bowls in conical form of varying dimensions (lots 5028-5030) which are rarely seen in the market. Jian black-glazed tea bowls of such generous dimension as the present lot are extremely rare. They were probably not used for drinking the very popular whipped tea from Fujian, and were therefore made in smaller numbers. During the excavation at Luhuaping in Jianyang, Fujian, only three large conical bowls were recovered, against a total of 980 tea bowls, see Robert D. Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, 1995, p. 207, p. 217.

本場拍賣欣呈三件尺寸不一的建窰烏金釉茶盞(拍品編號 5028-5030),實屬難得。如斯碩大之建窰斗笠茶盌稀若鳳毛麟角,較適合作香料鮮果茶盞。有別於仰口盞,撇沿之盞應不用於流行當時之福建泡沫茶,故此製作數量較少。建窰蘆花坪遺址出土980件茶盞,僅有三件屬大型撇口盞,見 Robert D. Mowry ,《Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers》,哈佛大學藝術博物館,劍橋,1995年,頁 217。