Echoes of Fragrance – Evolution of Tea Culture from the Tang to the Qing Dynasties
Echoes of Fragrance – Evolution of Tea Culture from the Tang to the Qing Dynasties
Lot Closed
December 16, 02:36 AM GMT
40,000 - 60,000 HKD
Lot Details
A Dingyao carved 'day lily' bowl,
Northern Song dynasty
北宋 定窰白釉刻萱草紋盌
10 cm
Compare a slightly smaller example (9cm) from the Carl Kempe collection, sold in our London rooms, 14th May 2008, lot 244.
比較一例,尺寸較小(9公分),出自 Carl Kempe收藏,售於倫敦蘇富比2008 年 5 月 14 日,編號 244。