Making Our Nation: Constitutions and Related Documents. Sold to Benefit the Dorothy Tapper Goldman Foundation. Part 1
4 November - 23 November 2021 • New York
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1 Alabama | The scarce first printing of the Alabama Constitution
2 American Revolution — Rev. Elias B. Hillard | Photographs of Revolutionary War veterans
3 American Anti-Slavery Society | An important founding document of the American abolitionist movement
4 Articles of Confederation | "The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship"
5 (Burr, Aaron) | "Probably the rarest and best account of the trial"
6 (Burr, Aaron) | Jefferson accuses the former Vice President of treason
7 California | The first printing of the California Constitution
8 (Chase, Samuel) | An important precedent for independence of the judiciary
9 (Chase, Samuel) | Another work on Chase's landmark trial reinforcing the independence of the judiciary
10 Choctaw Nation | "The earliest known printing of Choctaw laws …"
11 Confederate States of America | Including the first printings of the first two versions of the Confederate constitution
12 Connecticut | The end of church-run states in America
13 Continental Congress | An important congressional precursors of the Declaration of Independence
14 Continental Congress | "Read with Candour: Judge with Impartiality."
15 Continental Congress | With an early printing of the Declaration of Independence
16 Continental Congress | The first collected edition of the state constitutions
17 Dakota Territory | A scarce copy of the proceedings of a one-day convention
18 Dallas, Alexander J. | An important milestone in American legal publishing
19 Declaration of Independence | The first book-form printing of the Declaration of Independence
20 Declaration of Independence | The first printing in magazine form
21 Declaration of Independence | The first printing of the Declaration of Independence in Britain
22 Declaration of Independence | A fine copy on paper of the first true facsimile of the engrossed Declaration of Independence
23 Farrar, Timothy | A landmark Supreme Court ruling on the Contract Clause
24 Florida | The first constitution, which built on the federal Bill of Rights
25 Georgia | A revised constitution, offering a better balance of power
26 (Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay) | Praised by George Washington as a "work [that] will merit the notice of Posterity"
27 Hawaii | The transition from an autocratic kingdom to a constitutional monarchy
28 Kansas | The Wyandot Constitution of free Kansas
29 (Magna Carta) | The first American printing
30 Massachusetts | Urging the establishment of a state constitution
31 Massachusetts | "The injustice and cruelty of Britain has driven us to a Declaration of Independence"
32 Mississippi | One of the first states to have an elected judiciary
33 Monroe, James | First printing of the Monroe Doctrine
34 New York | Gulian C. Verplanck's copy of the first constitution of the state of New York
35 Olive Branch Petition | The last concerted effort on the part of the Continental Congress to reconcile with Great Britain
36 Olive Branch Petition | A rare broadside, with the King's speech acknowledging American independence
37 Parliamentary Act. Reign of George III [The Stamp Act] | Government without consent
38 Parliamentary Act. Reign of George III | The Repeal
39 Parliamentary Act. Reign of George III | The Indemnification
40 Parliamentary Act. Reign of George III | A final attempt to crush the Revolution by economic sanctions
41 Parliamentary Acts | A collection of approximately 26 Parliamentary Acts, mostly relating to North America
42 Pennsylvania | The first independent state constitution issued after the Declaration of Independence
43 Peters, Richard | The Supreme Court rules that the Cherokee Nation is not a sovereign nation
44 Randolph, Edmund | A cornerstone work in the establishment of the judiciary branch of the government
45 Scott, Dred — Benjamin C. Howard | "No Rights Which the White Man was Bound to Respect"
46 South Carolina | First edition of an important compendium of laws and statutes
47 Sprengel, Mathias Christian | The first summary of the American Revolution to appear in German after the war
48 Taney, Roger B. | A letter to John Kerr, discussing President John Adams and the Quasi-War with France