Collection of a Connoisseur: History in Manuscript, Part 2

Collection of a Connoisseur: History in Manuscript, Part 2

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 60. T.E. Lawrence | Series of letters to Lawrence by his immediate family, 1916-35.

T.E. Lawrence | Series of letters to Lawrence by his immediate family, 1916-35

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April 27, 02:00 PM GMT


2,000 - 3,000 GBP

Lot Details


T.E. Lawrence--family

Collection of seven letters and one telegram to Lawrence by members of his family, comprising:

i-ii) Thomas Robert Lawrence (Sir Thomas Chapman), T.E. Lawrence's father, two autograph letters signed ("your loving Father"), to T.E. Lawrence ("dear Ned"), the first with detailed instructions on £1000 of bonds that he is granting to his son and the second on T.E. Lawrence's inheritance following the death of his brother, 6 pages (including a rough draft of the first page of the earlier letter), 4to, 8 March-11 May 1916

iii-iv) Arnold Lawrence, T.E. Lawrence's brother, autograph letter signed ("Arnie") and telegram, to T.E. Lawrence, informing him of the illness and then death of their father during the Influenza pandemic, 2 pages, 8vo, 7 April 1919

v-viii) Sarah Lawrence (Junner), T.E. Lawrence's mother, four autograph letters signed ("your loving Mother"), to T.E. Lawrence ("dearest Ned"), on her life working at a Missionary hospital in Szechuan, including frequent references to the ongoing Civil War ("....Troops came up from down river & the Reds have been driven back to almost the borders of the Province so things are much more hopeful..."), also discussing T.E. Lawrence's life and friends ("...Have you seen G.B.S. & Mrs Shaw since they got back & how are they both How did she like the long tour?..."), his imminent departure from the RAF ("...I hope you will have a good rest - after you leave the A.F. I hope they wont ask you to stay on longer..."), mentioning a visit by Feisal to London, and with family news, 18 pages, 8vo, The Hospital, Mienchu, China, [early 1930s] 

The collection housed in a collector's folder, morocco backed blue cloth with blue morocco lettering piece

"...How I wish this war wd end & that we might meet again..."

A RARE GLIMPSE OF LAWRENCE WITHIN HIS FAMILY. Lawrence's father, Sir Thomas Chapman, was an Anglo-Irish Baronet. He took the name Lawrence when he began his life with Sarah Junner, the former governess for whom he left his wife and family. He was able to pass on to his illegitimate children some wealth - as these letters record - but not the social status into which he had himself been born. Lawrence's mother spent many years in China with her eldest son, Dr Robert Lawrence, who was a medical missionary. They were still in China at the time of T.E. Lawrence's death.