Collection of a Connoisseur: History in Manuscript, Part 2

Collection of a Connoisseur: History in Manuscript, Part 2

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 81. Napoleon I | Autograph endorsement signed, on a letter by Eugène de Beauharnais, 24 April 1807.

Napoleon I | Autograph endorsement signed, on a letter by Eugène de Beauharnais, 24 April 1807

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Autograph endorsement signed ("accorde / Napole"), on a letter written to him by Eugène de Beauharnais, 24 April 1807
in French, boldly inscribed by Napoleon at the top of the page, the letter written to him and signed by his adopted son ("Eugene Napoléon[paraph]"), requesting authorization to appoint two aides-de-camp from the Army in Italy, to replace those that Napoleon has removed, since a total number of seven aides would not seem too many, given how far away Napoleon has sent him, and this would allow him to send an officer to receive news from him more often

"...ce nombre de sept ne seroit pas trop vu l'éloignement ou votre majesté me tient d'elle et je pourrois alors lui envoyer un officier et par ce moyen avoir plus souvent de ses nouvelles. J'ai l'honneur d'être, Sire, Votre respectueux et tendre fils et fidel sujet...."),  

1 page, 4to, annotated above Napoleon's endorsement ("No 4"), Milan, 24 April 1807 ("minuit ½")


Napoleon made Eugène de Beauharnais (1781-1824) Viceroy of Italy on 7 June 1805 and put him in command of the Army of Italy during the War of the Fifth Coalition. Eugene was the son of Joséphine from her first marriage and, from 12 January 1806, the adopted son of Napoleon, although excluded from succession to the French Empire.