Boundless Space… The Possibilities of Burning Man

Boundless Space… The Possibilities of Burning Man

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 65. Chip Lord/Ant Farm.

Chip Lord/Ant Farm

Lot Closed

October 8, 04:02 PM GMT


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Lot Details


Owner: 2799AC

Chip Lord/ Ant Farm

Media Burn One


Non-Fungible Token ERC-1155

Token ID: 80483826018187260303257805732826196407620059899189352081111997635955169165313

Minted on August 16, 2021

Smart Contract Address: 0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e

Created by Chip Lord and authorized creative condensation of Ant Farm's 1975 work, Media Burn.

Media Burn One is work for the Burning Man Foundation. This creative condensation of the 1975 Ant Farm Media Burn video retains the essence of the classic performance video created by Chip Lord, Doug Michels, and Curtis Schreier alongside Tom Weinberg and many volunteers on July 4, 1975. Considered one of the classics of the first decade of Video Art, Media Burn is in the collections of many major museums including MoMA, SFMoMA, Tate Modern, Centre Pompidou, Dallas Museum of Art, and others.