Books and Manuscripts: 19th and 20th Century

Books and Manuscripts: 19th and 20th Century

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 134. Russian coronation and ceremonial items | 4 volumes, 1889-1898, red gilt bindings.

Russian coronation and ceremonial items | 4 volumes, 1889-1898, red gilt bindings

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1,000 - 1,500 GBP

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Russian coronation and ceremonial publications

A group of four commemorative publications, 1889-1898, comprising:

Vysochaishe utverzhdenni tseremonial perevezeniya imperatorskikh regalii... gosudarya imperatorya Nikolaya Aleksandrovicha... i... Aleksandry Feodorovny... (Cérémonial de la translation des insignes impériaux...). [St Petersburg]: Trenké and Fusnot, [1896], 5 pamphlets, each in a Russian and a French version, bound in one volume, folio, upper wrapper with the imperial arms stamped in gilt, loose within a red morocco folder with the imperial arms stamped in gilt and blue watered silk board liners

Cérémonial de la solennité du mariage de... Monseigneur le Grand-Duc Paul Alexandrovitch avec... la princesse Alexandra Guéorguiévna. (St Petersburg: Trenké and Fusnot), [1889], folio, 9pp., in a red morocco folder with the imperial arms stamped in gilt and blue watered silk board liners

Vysochaishe utverzhdennyi tseremonial torzhestvennago otkrytiya i osvyashcheniya pamyatnika Imperatoru Aleksandru II v Moskv. [St Petersburg]: (Trenké and Fusnot), [1898], 5pp., loose in gilt decorative wrapper, in a red cloth folder with imperial arms stamped in gilt, small label "Slg. Jürg Stuker, Schloss Gerzensee" at foot of upper cover, small stains on binding

MALTZEW, Alexios von. Die heilige Krönung nach dem Ritus der Orthodox-Katholischen Kirche des Morgenlandes... Svyashchennoe koronovanie po ustavy Pravoslavnoi Kafolicheskoi Vostochnoi Tserkvi. Berlin: Karl Siegismund, 1896, 8vo, original decorative red cloth gilt, published to commemorate the coronation of Nicholas and Alexandra

together 4 volumes


Jürg Stuker (1914-1988), his collection sold at auction in 1989