Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 232. An impressive bronze model of a coiled dragon by Kimura Toun Japan, late Edo-Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 江戶時代晚期至明治時代 十九世紀 銅鑄龍擺件.

Property from a French private collection

An impressive bronze model of a coiled dragon by Kimura Toun Japan, late Edo-Meiji period, 19th century | 日本 江戶時代晚期至明治時代 十九世紀 銅鑄龍擺件

Auction Closed

June 10, 03:15 PM GMT


6,000 - 10,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from a French private collection

An impressive bronze model of a coiled dragon by Kimura Toun

Japan, late Edo-Meiji period, 19th century

the mythical animal powerfully cast‎ with head raise, a long writhing scaly body, mighty claws, and flaming haunches, the underside with a three-characters Kimura Toun mark cast in relief within a rectangular panel

L. 67.2 cm, 26½ in.


Grande et impressionnante sculpture de dragon en bronze par Kimura Toun, fin de l'époque Edo - époque Meiji, XIXE siècle


日本 江戶時代晚期至明治時代 十九世紀 銅鑄龍擺件

長 67.2 公分, 26½英寸

This impressive bronze sculpture of a dragon may have originally been associated with a round vessel to form an incense burner (kōro). Compare a similar bronze okimono of a dragon by Kimura Toun from the Estate of Henri Cernuschi, preserved together with a round incense burner cast with a phoenix, in the collection of the Musée Cernuschi, Paris, published on

The Cernuschi’s dragon entered the museum’s collection in 1871 and is also illustrated in Art animalier au temps des derniers Shogun (XVIIIe - XIXe siècles) : animaux d'Edo - Fonds Cernuschi 1871 - 1872 [exhibition catalogue with black-and-white illustrations], Paris, Musée Cernuschi, 1986, no. 82, p. 45.

See also a similar dragon standing foursquare and attributed to Kimura Toun, sold in these rooms, 23rd july 2020, from the Steinitz collection.


本品或與一件圓形器成組為香爐,比較一相近龍型擺件(日文稱「置物」),出自Henri Cernuschi收藏,與一圓形香爐成組,現存於巴黎 Musée Cernuschi,載於,此龍型擺件1871年起為該館收藏,亦圖載於 《Art animalier au temps des derniers Shogun (XVIIIe - XIXe siècles) : animaux d'Edo - Fonds Cernuschi 1871 – 1872》 [展覽圖錄,附黑白插圖],巴黎,Musée Cernuschi,1986年,編號82,頁45。 

另比一相近龍形擺件例,Kimura Toun製,出自Steinitz收藏,售於巴黎蘇富比2020年7月23日。