Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 154. A group of scholar's implements Qing dynasty | 清 雜項一組四件.

Property from the collection of Alberto Giuganino (1887-1979) | Alberto Giuganino (1887-1979) 先生珍藏

A group of scholar's implements Qing dynasty | 清 雜項一組四件

Auction Closed

June 10, 03:15 PM GMT


800 - 1,200 EUR

Lot Details


Property from the collection of Alberto Giuganino (1887-1979)

A group of scholar's implements

Qing dynasty

comprising a hardwood table stand, a small inscribed yixing cup and a chicken bone brushpot, together with an English silver mounted carved coconut bowl


The table stand 7.8 x 38 x 27.3 cm, 15 by 10¾ by 3 in.

The scholar implements 8.5 and 9 cm, 3¼ and 3½ in.


Plateau de table en bois dur, coupe inscrite en grès yixing et pot de pinceaux en jade 'os de poulet', dynastie Qing, ensemble avec un bol en noix de coco sculptée avec une monture en argent


Alberto Giuganino (1887-1979) 先生珍藏

清 雜項一組四件


几 7.8 x 38 x 27.3 公分, 15 x 10¾ x 3 英寸

Alberto Giuganino (1887-1979), was an Italian scholar and the curator of the National Museum of Oriental Art in Rome. His publications include the writing of the catalogue of the Exhibition of Chinese Art / Mostra d'Arte Cinese at the Palazzo Ducale in Venice in 1954. He went to China for studies at the invitation of the Chinese government in 1957 and dedicated his life to research and teaching on Chinese art.


意大利學者Alberto Giuganino(1887-1979)為羅馬國立東方藝術博物館館長。他曾主編1954年於威尼斯總統府舉辦的中國藝術品展覽圖錄《Mostra d’Arte Cinese》。 1957年應中國政府邀請赴北京深造,期後終生致力於中國藝術品研究及教育工作。