Arts d'Asie Online
Arts d'Asie Online
Property from an old French family collection | 法國私人收藏
Lot Closed
November 9, 11:41 AM GMT
2,000 - 3,000 EUR
Lot Details
Property from an old French family collection
A set of rare gilt-incised 'chicken blood'-soapstone cups and dish
Qing dynasty, Kangxi period
comprising a pair of wine cups, a footed beaker and a lobed dish, each finely incised and gilt with flowers and birds between stylised borders, the 'chicken blood' stone of deep reddish brown colour with paler veins
Saucer D. 12.2 cm, 4¾ in.; cup D. 8 cm, 3⅛ in;
each cup of the pair D. 7 cm, 2¾ in.
Collection particulière française
Paire de coupes à vin, et ensemble de coupe et soucoupe en stéatite sculptée, dynastie Qing, époque Kangxi
清康熙 芙蓉石雕盃及小盤一組四件