Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas

Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas

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Property from the Collection of George and Rosemary Lois, New York

Yup’ik Mask, Lower Yukon, Alaska


May 18, 07:29 PM GMT


60,000 - 90,000 USD


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Property from the Collection of George and Rosemary Lois, New York

Yup’ik Mask, Lower Yukon, Alaska

Height: 10 in (25.4 cm)

Reta Mae Daniels, Bellingham, Washington, acquired as a gift in 1918
Thence by descent to her grandson
Donald Ellis, Dundas, Ontario, acquired from the above
George and Rosemary Lois, New York, acquired from the above
Donald Ellis, ed., Art of the Arctic: Reflections of the Unseen, London, 2015, p. 79, pl. 20, and p. 143
George Lois, The Art of Collecting Art, New York, 2020, p. 99