Art Impressionniste et Moderne Day Sale

Art Impressionniste et Moderne Day Sale

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 228. Roses grimpantes.

Théo van Rysselberghe

Roses grimpantes

Lot Closed

March 30, 01:28 PM GMT


12,000 - 18,000 EUR

Lot Details


Théo van Rysselberghe

1862 - 1926

Roses grimpantes

signed with monogram (lower right)

oil on paper laid down on canvas

44 x 44 cm; 17⅜ x 17⅜ in.

The authenticity of this work has been confirmed by Olivier Bertrand and it will be included in his forthcoming Catalogue raisonné.


Théo van Rysselberghe

1862 - 1926

Roses grimpantes

signé du monogramme (en bas à droite)

huile sur papier marouflé sur toile

44 x 44 cm; 17⅜ x 17⅜ in.

Olivier Bertrand a confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre qui sera incluse dans le catalogue raisonné en préparation par ses soins.

Sale: Sotheby's, New York, November 5, 1969, lot 83
Sale: Christie's, Amsterdam, June 9, 2004, lot 87
Lancz Gallery, Brussels
Private collection, United Kingdom
Sale: Bonhams, London, February 28, 2019, lot 68
Acquired at the above sale by the present owner
Ronald Feltkamp, Théo Van Rysselberghe, Catalogue raisonné 1862-1926, Paris, 2003, no. P-032, illustrated p. 451
Le Lavandou, Espace Culturel du Lavandou, Théo Van Rysselberghe Intime, 2005, no. 12, illustrated in the catalogue p. 23