Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 261. Vincent of Beauvais, Le cinquiesme volume... Miroir historial, Paris, 1531, later half vellum.

Vincent of Beauvais, Le cinquiesme volume... Miroir historial, Paris, 1531, later half vellum

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400 - 600 GBP

Lot Details


Vincent of Beauvais

[Le cinquiesme volume de Vincent Miroir hystorial]. (Paris: Nicolas Cousteau for Jean Petit, 16 March 1531)

part 5 only, folio (328 x 210mm.), lettres bâtardes, woodcut initials and illustrations, woodcut printer's device on final verso, defective (lacking title-page, 5A2-3, 5B6-5C4, 5G4-6, 5N5, 5O3-4, 5f3-4), paper repair to final leaf, a few small wormholes

RARE. The final part of Vincent of Beauvais's history as translated by Jean du Vignay. The woodblocks are those from the edition printed by Antoine Vérard in 1495-1496; this is the second edition.

The early annotations in English in this volume include the crossing out of all mentions of Thomas a Becket (see 5P4). The later binding incorporates the annotations written on the inside of the earlier binding.


Mortimer, Harvard French 545 (all 5 volumes); USTC 76203

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