Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts

5 June - 15 June 2021 • London

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Nine manuscript leaves, mostly 15th century, from books of hours and prayerbooks, on vellum

1 Nine manuscript leaves, mostly 15th century, from books of hours and prayerbooks, on vellum

Leaf from a Gospel Lectionary, decorated manuscript on vellum [Italy, 12th century]

2 Leaf from a Gospel Lectionary, decorated manuscript on vellum [Italy, 12th century]

Leaf from a noted Ferial Psalter and Hymnal, manuscript on vellum [Italy, 12th century]

3 Leaf from a noted Ferial Psalter and Hymnal, manuscript on vellum [Italy, 12th century]

Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 13th century]

4 Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 13th century]

Leaf from a Psalter, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 13th century]

5 Leaf from a Psalter, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 13th century]

Leaf from a miniature Bible, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France, 13th century]

6 Leaf from a miniature Bible, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France, 13th century]

Leaf from a miniature Bible, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France, 13th century]

7 Leaf from a miniature Bible, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France, 13th century]

Leaf from a Bible, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (perhaps Bologna?), 13th century]

8 Leaf from a Bible, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (perhaps Bologna?), 13th century]

Leaf from a Book of Hours, perhaps Augustinian, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (northern), 13th century]

9 Leaf from a Book of Hours, perhaps Augustinian, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (northern), 13th century]

Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [England (East Anglia?), 14th century]

10 Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [England (East Anglia?), 14th century]

Leaf from a Breviary, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century]

11 Leaf from a Breviary, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century]

Bifolium from a Missal, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century]

12 Bifolium from a Missal, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century]

Leaf from the Psalter within a Breviary, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century)]

13 Leaf from the Psalter within a Breviary, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 14th century)]

Leaf from a Dominican Missal, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Perugia?), 14th century]

14 Leaf from a Dominican Missal, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Perugia?), 14th century]

Leaf from a Gradual, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Germany/Switzerland, 14th century (late; or early 15th)]

15 Leaf from a Gradual, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Germany/Switzerland, 14th century (late; or early 15th)]

Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 14th century]

16 Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 14th century]

Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 14th century (last quarter)]

17 Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Southern Netherlands, 14th century (last quarter)]

Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 15th century (c.1400–15)]

18 Leaf from a Book of Hours, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [France (Paris?), 15th century (c.1400–15)]

Large leaf from a Bible, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Germany, 15th century (middle?)]

19 Large leaf from a Bible, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Germany, 15th century (middle?)]

Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Rome?), 15th century]

20 Leaf from a Psalter, illuminated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Rome?), 15th century]

Leaf from Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Peter Lombard, manuscript on vellum, [Italy (probably Florence), 15th century]

21 Leaf from Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Peter Lombard, manuscript on vellum, [Italy (probably Florence), 15th century]

Leaf from Terence, Comedies, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Florence), 15th century (c.1475)]

22 Leaf from Terence, Comedies, manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy (Florence), 15th century (c.1475)]

Leaf from an Antiphonary, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy, 15th century]

23 Leaf from an Antiphonary, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Italy, 15th century]

Leaf from a vast Antiphonary, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Spain, 16th century]

24 Leaf from a vast Antiphonary, decorated manuscript in Latin on vellum, [Spain, 16th century]

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary, historiated initial on a cutting, illuminated manuscript on vellum, [Italy, early 14th century]

25 The Nativity of the Virgin Mary, historiated initial on a cutting, illuminated manuscript on vellum, [Italy, early 14th century]

The Presentation in the Temple, miniature from a Book of Hours, on vellum, [France, 15th century (c.1430s)]

26 The Presentation in the Temple, miniature from a Book of Hours, on vellum, [France, 15th century (c.1430s)]

Threshing and Virgo, miniatures from the Calendar of a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century]

27 Threshing and Virgo, miniatures from the Calendar of a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century]

The Betrayal and Arrest of Christ, miniature from a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century (late)]

28 The Betrayal and Arrest of Christ, miniature from a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century (late)]

The Adoration of the Magi, miniature on a Leaf from a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century (late)]

29 The Adoration of the Magi, miniature on a Leaf from a Book of Hours, [France, 15th century (late)]

The Sundial of Ahaz, two diagrams on a leaf from Nicholas of Lyra's Literal Commentary, [France, c.1360-80]

30 The Sundial of Ahaz, two diagrams on a leaf from Nicholas of Lyra's Literal Commentary, [France, c.1360-80]

A leaf from the Samaritan Pentateuch [probably Nablus, 12th century], framed and glazed

31 A leaf from the Samaritan Pentateuch [probably Nablus, 12th century], framed and glazed

An illuminated Qur'an folio, [Persia, Safavid, 16th century]

32 An illuminated Qur'an folio, [Persia, Safavid, 16th century]

Bible, Gospels, manuscript in Armenian, 1433 and later, Armenian calf binding with metalwork

33 Bible, Gospels, manuscript in Armenian, 1433 and later, Armenian calf binding with metalwork

Book of Hours, Use of Reims, illuminated manuscript on vellum [France, late 15th century]

34 Book of Hours, Use of Reims, illuminated manuscript on vellum [France, late 15th century]

Aeschylus, Two editions in Greek, Paris, 1552 and Venice, 1552, 2 volumes

36 Aeschylus, Two editions in Greek, Paris, 1552 and Venice, 1552, 2 volumes

Agustin, I discorsi sopra le medaglie, [Rome, 1592], BM duplicate, Flaxman and Cotton's copy

38 Agustin, I discorsi sopra le medaglie, [Rome, 1592], BM duplicate, Flaxman and Cotton's copy

Alberti, L'architettura, Venice, 1565, old calf

39 Alberti, L'architettura, Venice, 1565, old calf

Aldine Press, 6 volumes of Classical texts, 1516-1575, various bindings

41 Aldine Press, 6 volumes of Classical texts, 1516-1575, various bindings

Aldine Press, 4 volumes of works in Italian, 1534-1546, various bindings

42 Aldine Press, 4 volumes of works in Italian, 1534-1546, various bindings

Alexander de Ales, Super universae theologiae, Venice, 1475, contemporary Germanic pigskin binding

43 Alexander de Ales, Super universae theologiae, Venice, 1475, contemporary Germanic pigskin binding

Ammonius, In praedicamenta Aristotelis; In quinque voces Porphyrii commentarius, Venice, Aldus, 1546, later half calf

45 Ammonius, In praedicamenta Aristotelis; In quinque voces Porphyrii commentarius, Venice, Aldus, 1546, later half calf

Aquila, Raccolta di vasi diversi, Rome, 1713, contemporary mottled calf

48 Aquila, Raccolta di vasi diversi, Rome, 1713, contemporary mottled calf

Ariosto, Orlando furioso, Venice, 1580, vellum

50 Ariosto, Orlando furioso, Venice, 1580, vellum

Ariosto, Orlando furioso, Paris, 1788, 5 volumes, red morocco gilt

51 Ariosto, Orlando furioso, Paris, 1788, 5 volumes, red morocco gilt

Virginio Ariosto, autograph letter signed, Ferrara, [after 1551]

52 Virginio Ariosto, autograph letter signed, Ferrara, [after 1551]

Arnaud, Three works in gilt patterned paper bindings, Paris, 1767-1769, 3 volumes

53 Arnaud, Three works in gilt patterned paper bindings, Paris, 1767-1769, 3 volumes

Augustine, Sermonum opera, Paris, 1516, contemporary pigskin, Augsburg-William Morris copy

55 Augustine, Sermonum opera, Paris, 1516, contemporary pigskin, Augsburg-William Morris copy

Azpilcueta, Commentarius de alienatione, Rome, 1584, contemporary morocco with arms of Cardinal Boncompagni

56 Azpilcueta, Commentarius de alienatione, Rome, 1584, contemporary morocco with arms of Cardinal Boncompagni

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