20th Century Art / Middle East

20th Century Art / Middle East

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 23. Arous El Nil (Bust) (Bride of the Nile).

Property from the Heirs of His Excellency Hafez Afifi Pasha, Cairo

Mahmoud Mokhtar

Arous El Nil (Bust) (Bride of the Nile)

Lot Closed

March 30, 02:23 PM GMT


120,000 - 180,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property from the Heirs of His Excellency Hafez Afifi Pasha, Cairo

Mahmoud Mokhtar

1891 - 1934

Arous El Nil (Bust) (Bride of the Nile)

signed M. Mouktar

bronze and silver

height: 52 cm. 20½ in.

His Excellency Hafez Afifi Pasha, Cairo 
Thence by descent 
Badr Eldin Abou Ghazi, The Sculptor: Mokhtar, Cairo, 1964, n.p., edition of example illustrated unknown
National Centre of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture, Museum of sculptor Mahmoud Mokthar, Cairo, March 1984, p.42, edition of example illustrated unknown  
Mokthar AlAttar, Pioneers of Modern Art: The Rise of Modernism in Egypt, Part I, Cairo, 1998, p. 227, edition of example illustrated unknown
Mahmoud AlNabawai Alshaal and Maha Mahmoud AlNabawai Alshaal, Mahmoud Mokthar: Pioneer in Modern Egyptian Sculpture, monograph, Cairo, May 2005, pp. 86-87, edition of example illustrated unknown