Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History

Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 192. Map of Palestine and the Middle East. [c.1944].

Map of Palestine and the Middle East. [c.1944]

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July 28, 03:29 PM GMT


1,500 - 2,000 GBP

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Map of Palestine and the Middle East. [c.1944]

Colour-printed map (360 x 505mm.), with printed overslip in Hebrew (see note), mounted

An unusual map showing the Middle East as a great Arab kingdom, delineating mosques and Muslim towns (including Mecca; Jewish settlements are absent), and showing British merchant ships at sea. The map within a decorative frame incorporating five corner medallions showing Middle-Eastern rulers including Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, and John Vereker, High Commissioner for Palestine and Transjordan.

In the centre of the map (where an English-Arab calendar was supposed to appear), is pasted-on note, apparently printed by the Etzel (a Zionist paramilitary organization), that reads: "Jews in their homeland! this is how the ‘white book’ administration foresees the ‘Arab Unity’ and extermination of Zionism. Tens of thousands of such maps were distributed in the Middle East. Britain plays with fire!! Remember the conspiracy!”