THE BEAUTY WITHIN: The Chenel Collection

THE BEAUTY WITHIN: The Chenel Collection

全螢幕檢視 - 查看108A Roman Marble Portrait Bust of a Man, the head circa A.D. 80, the shoulders 2nd Century A.D.的1

A Roman Marble Portrait Bust of a Man, the head circa A.D. 80, the shoulders 2nd Century A.D.


December 17, 04:51 PM GMT


10,000 - 15,000 GBP


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A Roman Marble Portrait Bust of a Man

the head circa A.D. 80, the shoulders 2nd Century A.D.

wearing a tunic, cuirass, and paludamentum fastened with a circular brooch on the right shoulder and falling in long folds over the left shoulder and chest, his head (not belonging) turned to his right; socle restored.

Total height 73.5 cm.

European private collection, 19th Century or earlier (based on socle and patina)
Ginac Collection, Nîmes, France, acquired in the 1970s
acquired from the above


Bonhams, London, May 1st, 2013, no. 92, illus.
Physiognomy and hairstyle recall portraits of emperor Titus; see especially a head in Erbach: K. Fittschen, Katalog der antiken Skulpturen in Schloss Erbach, 1977, pp. 63ff., no. 21, pl. 23. The present head is likely a Flavian private portrait imitating the likeness of the current emperor, as with a private portrait in the Vatican: P. Cain, Männerbildnisse neronisch-flavischer Zeit, 1993, p. 223f., no. 97, pl. 26.