Music, Continental Books and Medieval Manuscripts

Music, Continental Books and Medieval Manuscripts

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 41. W.A. Mozart. First editions of the piano concertos K.238 and K.271, 1792-1793.

W.A. Mozart. First editions of the piano concertos K.238 and K.271, 1792-1793

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First editions of the Piano Concertos in B flat, K.238, and E flat, K.271 ("Jeunehomme"), 1792

1) Concerto pour le Clavecin ou Piano Forté...composé par Mr Mozart Oeuvre 26me [K.271][parts], Offenbach: J. André, no date[1792], complete parts, 19 (piano), 4 (violin I), 3 (violin II), 3 (viola), 3 (bass), 2 (oboe I), 2 (oboe II), 1 (horn I), 1 (horn II), engraved throughout, plate number 529, vignette-titles to keyboard and violin I parts, some manuscript entries in the keyboard part, remnant of paper strip affixed to upper left-hand corner of keyboard title 

2) Concerto pour le Clavecin, ou Piano-Forté...composé par Mr Mozart. Oeuvre 35me [K.238] [parts], Offenbach: J. André, no date [1793], complete parts, 15 (piano), 5 (violin I), 4 (violin II), 4 (viola), 3 (bass), 2 (oboe I), 2 (oboe II), 1 (horn I), 1 (horn II), engraved throughout, plate number 608, vignette-titles to keyboard and violin I parts, old paper strip, numbered "102", affixed to upper left-hand corner of keyboard title  

the two keyboard parts bound together, 4to (33.2 x 24.2cm), manuscript paper label to upper cover ("Deux Concertos pour le Pianoforte...Oeuvre 26 & 35"), nineteenth-century paper-covered card wrappers; the other parts uncut and unbound, 4to (c.34 x 25.5cm), original stitching holes

Two early André editions.


RISM M 5780 [K.238] and M 5788 [K.271]; Haberkamp, pp. 106-107 [K.238] and 117-118 [K.271]