Magnificent Jewels
Magnificent Jewels
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海瑞溫斯頓 | 20.27及18.69卡拉 「哥倫比亞」祖母綠 配 鑽石 吊耳環一對
Each suspending a pear-shaped emerald weighing 20.27 and 18.69 carats respectively, within a surround of marquise-shaped diamonds, surmount set as a cluster of pear-shaped diamonds weighing 10.58 carats in total, mounted in platinum, pendant detachable, signed WINSTON, maker's mark for Jacques Timey, post and hinged back fittings.
Accompanied by two Gübelin reports no. 19059057 and no. 19059056, both dated 16 May 2019, and two AGL reports no. 1100693 and no. 1100692, both dated 26 April 2019, stating that the emeralds are of Colombian origin, with indications of minor clarity enhancement; AGL further stating that the emeralds are Classic™ Colombian. Also accompanied by AGL appendix letter.
Further accompanied by six GIA reports stating that the pear-shaped diamonds ranging from 3.20 to 1.05 carats are D to F Colour, VVS2 to VS2 Clarity.
Harry Winston, a name with worldwide recognition for the finest of luxury and craftsmanship, is known for reinventing the way women wear jewelry. His philosophy was that every design was to be centered on maximizing the potential of his meticulously curated stones, rather than the then conventional approach of making a design first and then finding stones to fit into the metal frame. The result of Winston’s approach was exquisite jewels set at varying angles to minimize metal and maximize brilliance. A look that would often make stones appear as if floating delicately on the wearer’s body.
Often dubbed ‘The Jeweler to the Stars”, Winston was the first to ring-lead the trend of sponsoring jewels on a red carpet. He executed his vision as early as 1944, when he dressed Jennifer Jones in the Academy Awards, the year she won Best Actress. Today, Winston continues to be an indispensable part of red carpet culture, continuously adorning celebrities from Beyoncé to royal families alike.
This season, Sotheby’s presents an exceptional pair of emerald and diamond Harry Winston earrings- an opportunity to obtain not only his timeless signature style, but also a chance to acquire a match of exceedingly rare stones. Winston’s quintessential pear and marquise -shaped clusters in all forms are perceived as the ultimate embodiment of timeless glamour. Here, the iconic style is multiplied with a day and night design, with sizeable pear clusters atop it’s detachable mega-drops, boasting an impressive pair of 18.69ct and 20.27ct emerald drops of only minor traditional clarity enhancement.
The colors of the emeralds are an intense and saturated green, accurately representative of what is known as ‘Classic Colombian’ material. The stones were honored with an AGL appendix letter confirming their prestigious origin, stating that “emeralds of such color and quality are consistent with gems that have originated from the Muzo mining district”. Furthermore, the appendix emphasizes the rarity of the quality of the emeralds in combination with its excellent Match Pair Rating™, the highest ranking the laboratory offers to only stones in achievement of the highest level of exclusivity. In the president’s words, the “well-matched pair with a total weight of 38.96cts…represents a unique collaboration between the fashioning of man and the formation of nature. For the aficionado of Colombian material, these gemstones represent a unique time capsule of Colombia’s history and its contribution to the world of emeralds.”.
作為享譽世界的頂級珠寶品牌,海瑞溫斯頓可謂重新定義了人們穿戴珠寶的方式。彼時傳統訂製珠寶通常從設計理念開始,隨後再選取相應的寶石來搭配金屬框架,而海瑞溫斯頓卻另闢蹊徑,以寶石為本,用設計來凸顯襯托寶石,盡量淡化金屬的存在感,而將寶石最美麗、最閃爍和最有潛力的一面發揮放大到極致。正因如此,溫斯頓的珠寶作品輕盈飄逸、流光閃爍,常會給人一種寶石在佩戴者身體上漂浮的錯覺。海瑞溫斯頓又有“明星珠寶”的美稱,是紅毯上第一位引領潮流的珠寶贊助商。早在1944年,溫斯頓先生就為當時的電影明星Jennifer Jones設計搭配了奧斯卡頒獎典禮的紅毯珠寶造型,後者更是一舉奪得當年的最佳女演員獎杯。時至今日,海瑞溫斯頓依然是紅毯文化中不可忽視的重要部分,繼續為業界名流的珠寶造型貢獻各種精彩時刻。
這兩顆祖母綠顏色濃郁飽滿,非常精準形象的描繪了何為“經典哥倫比亞”之祖母綠。除開具證書外,AGL實驗室並撰寫附錄信件確認祖母綠的產地,並說明“只有哥倫比亞木佐礦區所產之祖母綠才能始終如一達到如此的顏色品質”。信件更強調這對祖母綠為極佳配對級別Match Pair Rating™,是實驗室對於頂級寶石配對評級的最高標準,“此對匹配祖母綠總重達38.96克拉,是自然饋贈和人工技藝的完美結合。對於痴迷哥倫比亞寶石的藏家來說,它們極具產地特色,是祖母綠寶石中不可多得的精品。”