The Cottesloe Military Library

The Cottesloe Military Library

The Cottesloe Military Library

The Cottesloe Military Library

29 October - 19 November 2019 • London

Abridgement of the English military discipline, 4 editions, 1676, 1684, 1685, 1686

1 Abridgement of the English military discipline, 4 editions, 1676, 1684, 1685, 1686

Acquaviva, De venatione et de aucupio, Naples, 1519, old red goatskin

2 Acquaviva, De venatione et de aucupio, Naples, 1519, old red goatskin

Adriani, De militiae laudibus oratio, Basel, 1518, later boards

3 Adriani, De militiae laudibus oratio, Basel, 1518, later boards

Aegidius (Columna) Romanus, De regimine principum, Rome, 1482, later wooden boards

4 Aegidius (Columna) Romanus, De regimine principum, Rome, 1482, later wooden boards

Aelianus Tacticus, translated by Bingham, London, 1616-1631, 2 volumes, calf

5 Aelianus Tacticus, translated by Bingham, London, 1616-1631, 2 volumes, calf

Aelianus and Polybius, La milice des grecs et romains, Paris, [1615], contemporary vellum

6 Aelianus and Polybius, La milice des grecs et romains, Paris, [1615], contemporary vellum

Alberghetti, Compendio della fortificatione, Venice, 1694, modern patterned paper boards

7 Alberghetti, Compendio della fortificatione, Venice, 1694, modern patterned paper boards

Alghisi | Delle fortificationi, [Venice], 1570, green vellum

8 Alghisi | Delle fortificationi, [Venice], 1570, green vellum

 Alimari, Instruttioni militari, Nuremberg, 1692, calf-backed red boards

9 Alimari, Instruttioni militari, Nuremberg, 1692, calf-backed red boards

Anderson, The genuine use and effects of the gunne, 1674, bound with 2 others by the same author, contemporary calf

10 Anderson, The genuine use and effects of the gunne, 1674, bound with 2 others by the same author, contemporary calf

Appian of Alexandria, An auncient historie of the Romanes warres, London, 1578, later red morocco

11 Appian of Alexandria, An auncient historie of the Romanes warres, London, 1578, later red morocco

Appier and Thybourel, Recueil de plusieurs machines militaires, Pont-à-Mousson, 1620, vellum

12 Appier and Thybourel, Recueil de plusieurs machines militaires, Pont-à-Mousson, 1620, vellum

Appier, La Pyrotechnie, Pont-à-Mousson, 1630, reversed calf

13 Appier, La Pyrotechnie, Pont-à-Mousson, 1630, reversed calf

Archery; Wood, Bowman's glory, 1691, contemporary morocco gilt; Ascham, Toxophilus, 1788; English archer, c.1780

14 Archery; Wood, Bowman's glory, 1691, contemporary morocco gilt; Ascham, Toxophilus, 1788; English archer, c.1780

Archery, volume containing various printed and manuscript items, early 19th century

15 Archery, volume containing various printed and manuscript items, early 19th century

Army lists and other works, 5 volumes, 1684-1742, including a Prospect of Hounslow Heath

16 Army lists and other works, 5 volumes, 1684-1742, including a Prospect of Hounslow Heath

Artillery, Rivault, Les elemens de l'artillerie, 1608; La Fontaine, Devoirs des officiers de l'artillerie, 1675, 2 vols

17 Artillery, Rivault, Les elemens de l'artillerie, 1608; La Fontaine, Devoirs des officiers de l'artillerie, 1675, 2 vols

Artillery, 9 French 18th century vol., by Belidor, Le Blond, Diderot, Papacino d'Antoni, Scheel, and others

18 Artillery, 9 French 18th century vol., by Belidor, Le Blond, Diderot, Papacino d'Antoni, Scheel, and others

Artillery, French, 18 volumes, 18th and 19th century

19 Artillery, French, 18 volumes, 18th and 19th century

Artillery and fireworks, 2 works, by Rivault and Malthus, contemporary vellum

20 Artillery and fireworks, 2 works, by Rivault and Malthus, contemporary vellum

Artillery, a collection of 6 works in Italian, by Capobianco, Collado, Moretti and others, seventeenth century

21 Artillery, a collection of 6 works in Italian, by Capobianco, Collado, Moretti and others, seventeenth century

Artillery, Seventeenth-century illustrated Italian manuscript about geometry and artillery, carta rustica

22 Artillery, Seventeenth-century illustrated Italian manuscript about geometry and artillery, carta rustica

Artillery, Seventeenth-century Italian illustrated manuscript treatise about artillery and cannons, c1673

23 Artillery, Seventeenth-century Italian illustrated manuscript treatise about artillery and cannons, c1673

Artillery, works in Italian, by Alberghetti, Bossi, Gentilini, Papacino d'Antoni, Sardi, Zonta, 6 volumes

24 Artillery, works in Italian, by Alberghetti, Bossi, Gentilini, Papacino d'Antoni, Sardi, Zonta, 6 volumes

Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1571, modern red morocco

25 Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1571, modern red morocco

Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1589, modern vellum

26 Ascham, Toxophilus, London, 1589, modern vellum

Babington, Pyrotechnia, London, 1635, contemporary calf

27 Babington, Pyrotechnia, London, 1635, contemporary calf

Barret, The Theorike and practike of moderne warres, London, 1598, contemporary calf

28 Barret, The Theorike and practike of moderne warres, London, 1598, contemporary calf

Barry, A Discourse of Military Discipline, Brussels, 1634, later half calf

29 Barry, A Discourse of Military Discipline, Brussels, 1634, later half calf

Basta, Il mastro di campo generale, Venice, 1606, contemporary calf with arms of De Thou

30 Basta, Il mastro di campo generale, Venice, 1606, contemporary calf with arms of De Thou

Basta, Le Gouvernement de la cavallerie legiere, Hanau, 1614, half red morocco

31 Basta, Le Gouvernement de la cavallerie legiere, Hanau, 1614, half red morocco

Basta, Mastro di campo generale, Frankfurt, 1617, modern vellum

32 Basta, Mastro di campo generale, Frankfurt, 1617, modern vellum

Baudouin, Exercice de l'infanterie françoise, Paris, 1755, mottled calf gilt

33 Baudouin, Exercice de l'infanterie françoise, Paris, 1755, mottled calf gilt

Belluzzi, Nuova inventione di fabricar fortezze, Venice, 1598, vellum, Philip of Hesse's copy

34 Belluzzi, Nuova inventione di fabricar fortezze, Venice, 1598, vellum, Philip of Hesse's copy

Bentivoglio, History of the Warrs of Flanders, 1654, translated by Monmouth, with Speed's map

35 Bentivoglio, History of the Warrs of Flanders, 1654, translated by Monmouth, with Speed's map

Bernard, Remarks on modern fortification, trans. Horneck, 1738, Christie Miller copy in contemporary red morocco

36 Bernard, Remarks on modern fortification, trans. Horneck, 1738, Christie Miller copy in contemporary red morocco

Bibliography, four works by Cockle, Ayala, Almirante and Guarnieri

37 Bibliography, four works by Cockle, Ayala, Almirante and Guarnieri

Binning, A light to the art of gunnery, 2 copies, 1676 and 1689

38 Binning, A light to the art of gunnery, 2 copies, 1676 and 1689

Biringucci, Pirotechnia, Venice, 1550, later vellum-backed carta rustica

39 Biringucci, Pirotechnia, Venice, 1550, later vellum-backed carta rustica

Blackwell, A compendium of military discipline, 1726, plates by Hogarth, red morocco by Zaehnsdorf

40 Blackwell, A compendium of military discipline, 1726, plates by Hogarth, red morocco by Zaehnsdorf

Blagrave, Baculum familliare, catholicon sive generale, London, 1590, modern wrappers

41 Blagrave, Baculum familliare, catholicon sive generale, London, 1590, modern wrappers

Blandy, The castle, or picture of pollicy, London, 1581, modern red morocco

42 Blandy, The castle, or picture of pollicy, London, 1581, modern red morocco

Blome, The Gentleman's Recreations, 1710-1709, contemporary calf

43 Blome, The Gentleman's Recreations, 1710-1709, contemporary calf

Boillot, Modelles artifices de feu, Chaumont, 1598, vellum

44 Boillot, Modelles artifices de feu, Chaumont, 1598, vellum

Boillot, Artifices de feu, Strassburg, 1603, later half calf

45 Boillot, Artifices de feu, Strassburg, 1603, later half calf

Bourdin, Seventeenth-century French illustrated manuscript of two works on military architecture and fortifications

46 Bourdin, Seventeenth-century French illustrated manuscript of two works on military architecture and fortifications

Boxel, Vertoogh van de Kryghs-Oeffeninge, The Hague, 1673, vellum

47 Boxel, Vertoogh van de Kryghs-Oeffeninge, The Hague, 1673, vellum

Boyer, Draughts of... fortified towns of Europe, London, 1701, contemporary sheep

48 Boyer, Draughts of... fortified towns of Europe, London, 1701, contemporary sheep

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