Master Paintings & Sculpture Day Sale
Master Paintings & Sculpture Day Sale
Property of a New York Private Collector
Auction Closed
January 30, 06:45 PM GMT
40,000 - 60,000 USD
Lot Details
Property of a New York Private Collector
Genoa 1667 - 1749
oil on canvas
24¾ by 18 in.; 61 by 45.7 cm.
Arthur Steiner, Vienna;
From whom acquired by Attilio Steffanoni, 1912, for 5000 lire;
Private Collection, Berlin, 1922 (Per Ferri);
Dr. Victor Bloch, Vienna;
By whom sold, Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Lucerne, 30 November 1934, lot 22;
Private Collection, Vienna, by 1937 (according to Galerie Sanct Lucas in 1937);
David Goldmann, Vienna and New York, by 1938 (Confiscated by the Nazi authorities after March 1938; allocated to the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck and restituted after WWII);
Thence by descent to present owner.
G.B. Carboni, Le Pitture e le Sculture di Brescia che sono esposte al pubblico con un'Appendice di alcune private Gallerie, Brescia 1760, p. 170 (as in the collection of Barbisoni);
B. Geiger, Alessandro Magnasco, Berlin 1914, plate 26;
A. Ferri, "Alessandro Magnasco," in Biblioteca d'Arte illustrate, series I, fasc. 15-16, Rome 1922, plates XVII-XVIII;
B. Geiger, Alessandro Magnasco, Vienna 1923, p. 58, no. 273;
G. Delogu, Pittori minori liguri, lombardi, piemontesi del Seicento e Settecento, Venice 1931, p. 130;
L. Baldass, W. Suida, et al., Italienische Barockmalerei, exhibition catalogue Vienna 1937, cat. no. 73;
M. Pospisil, Magnasco, Florence 1944, p. XXXVI, note 15;
B. Geiger, Magnasco, Bergamo 1949, pp. 123, 151, reproduced plate 422;
L. Muti and D. de Sarno Prignano, Alessandro Magnasco, Ravenna 1994, pp. 227, 511, cat. no. 155, reproduced fig. 303;
S. Lillie, Was Einmal War: Handbuch der enteigneten Kunstsammlungen Wiens, Vienna 2003, p. 410, no. 14.
Vienna, Galerie Sanct Lucas, Italienische Barockmalerei, 1937, no. 73.