Important Manuscripts, Continental Books and Music
Important Manuscripts, Continental Books and Music
June 11, 02:50 PM GMT
2,000 - 3,000 GBP
Anthology of Byzantine hymns for the use of the Eastern Orthodox church. [Eastern Mediterranean (Constantinople or Cyprus?), late eighteenth century]
4to (175 x 130mm.), manuscript on paper in red and black ink with text in Greek accompanied by late Byzantine music notation, 192 ff. in quires of 8 (2 blank leaves in final quire), apparently complete, 12 lines to a page, decorative headpieces and capitals in red ink, contemporary calf over pasteboard, f.23 torn with loss of half the text, occasional staining, binding worn and defective
The contents of this volume are as follows:
ff. 1-72: Doxastikarion of Neopatras, including Christmas Hours and Epiphany Hours, both by Sophronios, Patriarch of Jerusalem
ff. 73-112: Neopatras Doxastica of the Triodion for movable feasts, with hymns for various saints
ff. 113-180: Petros Lampadarios, a collection of Resurrection hymns, in the eight modes
ff. 181 onwards: Petros Lampadarios, Kekragaria (another collection of hymns), and a collection of Glorias
Germanos of New Patras (c. 1625-1685) was a Romaic composer who studied Byzantine chant in Constantinople, before becoming Metropolitan of New Patras (modern Ypati).
Petros Lampadarios, or Petros Peloponnesios (1730-1778), was a Greek composer and teacher of Byzantine music, resident in Constantinople from 1764 until his death. He became lampadarios (leader of the left choir) at Hagia Sophia in 1773.
For a very similar collection, see British Library Add. MS 17718, dated to the early nineteenth century.
Georgios K. Modinos, inscription in Greek on front flyleaf