Important Manuscripts, Continental Books and Music

Important Manuscripts, Continental Books and Music

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 231. William of Ockham, Super quattor libros sententiarum, Lyon, 1495, modern calf.

William of Ockham, Super quattor libros sententiarum, Lyon, 1495, modern calf

Auction Closed

December 3, 04:27 PM GMT


600 - 800 GBP

Lot Details



Quaestiones et decisiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Centilogium theologicum [edited by Augustinus de Ratisbona and Jodocus Badius Ascensius]. Lyon: Johannes Trechsel, 9-10 November 1495

Chancery folio (272 x 192mm.), 182 leaves only (of 484, lacking table and first book), comprising A-H8 I6 K-P8 Q6 R-V8 X10 AA-BB8, double column, 55 lines plus headline, gothic type, initial spaces, woodcut device printed in red below first colophon, some early annotations, modern leather, slipcase, some staining, small wormhole in margin


ISTC io00015000


Magister Johans [--], early inscription (trimmed) at head of first leaf; Augustinian monastery of Alcoy (Alicante), inscription at foot of first leaf; Colección Alfageme-Fontanals, name on spine

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