Lot 924
  • 924


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  • A collection of 60 volumes, comprising:
i. Dilworth, Thomas (d.1780). The schoolmaster's assistant, being a compendium of arithmetic. Brooklyn: Pray and Bowen, 1814, [T&W D55; Karpinski p.77; Shaw & Shoemaker 31335], stainedii. Daboll, Nathan (1750-1818). Daboll's schoolmaster's assistant: improved and enlarged, being a plain practical system of arithmetic. New London, CT: Samuel Green, 1815, [T&W D1; Karpinski p.128; Shaw & Shoemaker 34507]iii. Stevens, Beriah. A new and concise system of arithmetic. Saratoga Springs, NY: for the author, 1822, [T&W S184; Karpinski p.249; Shoemaker 10341], brownediv. Colburn, Warren (1793-1833). Colburn's first lessons. Intellectual arithmetic. Bellows Falls, VT: James Cutler & Son, 1828, [T&W C114; Karpinski p.237; Shoemaker 32755], spottedv. Shaw, Oliver A. A description of the visible numerator, with instructions for its use; illustrated with plates. Boston: T.R. Marvin, 1832, [T&W S104; Karpinski pp.341-342; Checklist of American Imprints 14683]vi. Ostrander, Tobias. A complete system of mensuration of superficies and solids, of all regular figures. New York: M'Elrath, Bangs & Co., 1833, [T&W O32; Karpinski p.353; Checklist of American Imprints 20533], modern folding cloth boxvii. Emerson, Frederick‏ ‎(1788-1857‏). The North American arithmetic. Part second. Philadelphia: Hogan & Thompson, [after 1834], [not in T&W]viii. Idem. The North American arithmetic. Part third. Boston: Jenks and Palmer, 1845, [T&W E7; cf. Karpinski p.360 (Jenks and Palmer editions dated 1844 and 1846)]ix. Idem. Key to the North American arithmetic. Part second and part third. Boston: Tappan & Whittemore, 1854, [not in T&W]x. Davies, Charles (1798-1876). First lessons in geometry. Hartford, CT: A.S. Barnes, 1839, [T&W D15; Karpinski p.411; Checklist of American Imprints 55269] xi. Idem. Arithmetic, designed for academies and schools. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1846, [T&W D13; Karpinski p.425]xii. Idem. The university arithmetic. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1847, [T&W D17; Karpinski p.487]xiii. Idem. First lessons in arithmetic. New York: Barnes, 1853, [T&W D14]xiv. Scholfield, Nathan. Higher geometry and trigonometry [mensuration]. New York: Collins, Brother & Co., 1845, 2 parts in one (parts 3 and 4), [T&W S42, S43; Karpinski p.477, 479]xv. Holbrook, Nelson M. The child's first book in arithmetic. Portland: Bailey & Noyes, [1849, or later], [T&W H148; cf. Karpinski pp.524-525 (Portland: Sanborn & Carter, 1849)]xvi. Greenleaf, Benjamin (1786-1864). The national arithmetic... new stereotype edition. Portland: Sanborn and Carter, 1849, [T&W G80; cf. Karpinski p.390 (Boston, R. S. Davis, 1849)]xvii. Idem. Mental arithmetic. Boston: Davis, [?1851], new edition, [T&W G79]xviii. Idem. The national arithmetic... new stereotype edition. Boston: Davis, 1854, [T&W G81], spottedxix. Idem. A key to the national arithmetic. Boston: Davis, 1856, [T&W G77]xx. Idem. A mental arithmetic... improved electrotype edition. Boston: Davis, [?1879], [T&W G78], wornxxi. Stoddard, John Fair (1825-1873). The practical arithmetic. New York: Sheldon & Co., [?1852], [T&W S194]xxii. Ibid. The American intellectual arithmetic. New York: Sheldon & Co., n.d., revised edition, [T&W S193]xxiii. Byrne, Oliver (1810-1880). Mechanics. New York: De Witt & Davenport, [1853], [T&W B313], spottedxxiv. Parke, Uriah. Parke's farmers' and mechanics' practical arithmetic, revised and improved. Baltimore: Cushings & Bailey, [1854, or later], [T&W P18], spottedxxv. Colburn, Dana Pond (1823-1859‏). Arithmetic and its applications. Philadelphia: Cowperthwait & Co., 1855, [T&W C113]xxvi. Smiley, Thomas Tucker (d.1879). The new federal calculator or scholar's assistant. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1856, [T&W S129], modern folding cloth boxxxvii. Fish, Daniel W. (1820-1899). Robinson's progressive primary arithmetic. New York: Ivison, [&c.], [1863, or later], [T&W F72]xxviii. Idem. Robinson's progressive primary arithmetic. New York and Chicago: Ivison, [&c.], 1872, [T&W F71]xxix. Idem. Robinson's progressive intellectual arithmetic. New York & Chicago: Ivison, [&c.], 1873, [T&W F70]xxx. Idem. Robinson's shorter course. Arithmetical problems. New York: Ivison, [&c.], [1878 or later], [T&W F73]xxxi. Idem. Fish's arithmetic number one. New York & Chicago: Ivison, [&c.], [?1883], [not in T&W]xxxii. Idem. Fish's arithmetic number two. New York: American Book Company, [1883, or later], [not in T&W]xxxiii. Groesbeck, John. The Crittenden commercial arithmetic and business manual... third edition. Philadelphia: Biddle, 1867, [T&W G88]xxxiv. Walton, George Augustus (1822-1908). A written arithmetic. Boston: Brewer and Tileston, 1868, [not in T&W]xxxv. White, Emerson Elbridge (1829-1902) and others. Bryant and Stratton's commercial arithmetic. New York: Oakley and Mason, 1868, [T&W W41]xxxvi. Idem. A new complete arithmetic. New York: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., [c.1883], [T&W W42]xxxvii. Brooks, Edward (1831-1912). The normal written arithmetic. Philadelphia: Sower, Potts & Co., [1869, or later], [T&W B268]xxxviii. Idem. The normal mental arithmetic. Philadelphia: Sower, Potts & Co., [1869 or later], [T&W B265]xxxix. Idem. The new normal mental arithmetic. Philadelphia: Cristopher Sower Company, [c.1873], [T&W B263]xl. Idem. Key to the new normal mental arithmetic. Philadelphia: Christopher Sower Company, [?1873], [T&W B262]xli. Idem. The normal union arithmetic, graded course. Part II. Philadelphia: Sower, Potts & Co., [?1877], [T&W B266]xlii. Idem. The normal union arithmetic, graded course. Part III. Philadelphia: Sower, Potts & Co., [?1877], [T&W B267]xliii. Idem. The new normal primary arithmetic... revised edition. Philadelphia: Christopher Sower Co., [?1893], [T&W B264]xliv. Idem. The normal standard arithmetic... second part. Philadelphia: Christopher Sower Co., 1896, [not in T&W]xlv. Hagar, Daniel Barnard (1820-1896). An elementary arithmetic. Philadelphia: Cowperthwait & Co., [1871, or later], [T&W H2]xlvi. Howard, C. Frusher. Howard's California calculator. San Francisco, 1874, [T&W H175]xlvii. Idem. Howard's art of computation. San Francisco, 1880, [T&W H174]xlviii. Ray, Joseph (1807-1855). Ray's new primary arithmetic. New York: American Book Company, [1877, or later], [T&W R15]xlix. Idem. Practical arithmetic by induction and analysis... one thousandth edition. Cincinnati & New York: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., [1885], [T&W R14], wornl. Milne, William James (1843-1914). The practical arithmetic on the inductive plan. Cincinnati. Van Antwerp, Bragg, [1878, or later], [T&W M106]li. Idem. Elements of arithmetic. New York: American Book Company, [1893, or later], [T&W M105]lii. Seaver, Edwin Pliny (1838-1917) and Walton,  George Augustus. The Franklin elementary arithmetic. New York: Taintor Bros, [1878, or later], [T&W S76]liii. Ficklin, Joseph (1833-1887). National arithmetic. New York: American Book Company, [?1881], [T&W F53]liv. Wentworth, George Albert (1835-1906) and Hill, Thomas (1842-1916). A high school arithmetic. New York: Ginn & Co, [?1881], [T&W W31]lv. Idem. A high school arithmetic. Boston: Ginn & Co, 1889, [T&W W32]lvi. Beebe, Levi N. First steps among figures... teachers' [pupils'] edition. Syracuse, NY: C.W. Bardeen, 1883, 2 parts in one, [T&W B125]lvii. De Beck, B.O.M. Ray's new test examples in arithmetic. Cincinnati: Van Antwerp, [&c.], [?1883], [T&W D20]lviii. Colburn, Warren (1793-1833). Intellectual arithmetic... revised and enlarged edition. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, [1884 or later], [T&W C115]lix. Packard, Silas Sadler (1826-1898) and Horton, Bryon. The new Packard commercial arithmetic. New York: S.S. Packard, 1891, [T&W P3]lx. Southworth, Gordon Augustus (1838-1915). The essentials of arithmetic. Boston: Leach, Shewell and Company, [1893, or later], [T&W S168] together 60 vol., 8vo and 12mo, some illustrated, various bindings, some worn and/or repaired; sold not subject to return


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