Lot 127
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Eadweard Muybridge

30,000 - 50,000 USD
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  • Eadweard Muybridge
  • Selected Motion Studies
  • collotype
a group of 111 collotypes from Animal Locomotion, including images of Men and Women, all but 11 on the two-toned leaf, and all but 13 with letterpress title, plate number, copyright, and date in the margin, 1887 (111)


A detailed report for each plate is beyond the scope of this condition report; those wishing condition reports on specific plates are welcome to contact the Photographs Department. The condition of these collotypes ranges from generally good to very good. Age-darkening, foxing, soiling, and other signs of age are prevalent on many of the mounts, but overall generally do not affect the images. A few prints exhibit faint rust-colored staining or discoloration, and fingerprints. Some of the plates are worn at the edges and corners, with small tears, creases, and occasional losses at the periphery. 7 prints do not bear the letterpress number and title. The plates are as follows 008: Semi Nude Male Underwear Walking 016: Nude Female Walking (Dover 97) 020: Nude Female Walking 021: Nude Female Walking Loopcycle 022: Nude Female Walking with High Heeled Boots (loop) 023: Nude Female Walking with Hand on Chin and Shoes On (loop) 024: Nude Female Walking with Shoes On (loop) 025: Nude Female Walking with Shoes On (loop) 033: Nude Female Walking 14lb Basket on Head 034: Nude Female Walking 15lb Basket on Head (loop) 037: Semi Nude Female Dress Walking Left Hand Holding Dress Right Hand At Face 043: Nude Female Walking Sprinkling Water From Basin (Dover 102) 044: Clothed Male Walking and Taking Off Hat; this plate is missing the title 047: Nude Female Walking and Turning Around (Dover 104) 050: Semi Nude Female Cloth Skirt Walking Turning Around Carrying Full Bucket Water Left Hand 051: Nude Female Walking Turning Around Sprinkling Water From Pot (Dover 101) 0058: Nude Female Walking Turning Around Sweeping Floor (Dover 105) 063: Nude Male Running Full Speed (Dover 22) 071: Semi Nude Female Dress Running 073: Nude Female Turning Around Surprise Running Away 077: Nude Female Ascending Incline (Dover 106) 079: Nude Female Ascending Incline 081: Nude Female Ascending Incline Holding Bucket Water Each Hand 083: Nude Female Ascending Incline Bucket Water Right Hand (loop) (Dover 107) 084: Nude Female Ascending Incline Bucket Water Right Hand (Dover 108) 087: Nude Female Ascending Incline Holding Bucket Water Each Hand (loop) (Dover 109) 089: Nude Male Ascending Stairs (loop) (Dover 13) 090: Nude Male Ascending Stairs 094: Nude Female Ascending Stairs Looking Around Basin in Hands (Dover 114); this plate is missing the title 099: Nude Female Turning Ascending Stairs 102: Nude Female Turning Ascending Stairs Carrying Bucket of Water in Right Hand (Dover 118) 103: Nude Female Turning Ascending Stairs Holding Pitcher and Goblet (Dover 120) 104: Nude Female Turning Ascending Stairs Carrying a Bucket of Water in Each Hand (Dover 119) 109: Nude Male Ascending Stepladder; this plate is missing the title 112: Nude Female Ascending Ladder (Dover 146) 116: Nude Female Descending Incline Right Hand on Chin (Dover 110) 122: Nude Female Descending Incline Carrying Bucket Water Each Hand 124: Nude Female Descending Incline 20lb Basket Head Hands Raised (loop) (Dover 112); this plate is missing the title 125: Nude Male Descending Stairs (loop) 131: Nude Female Descending Stairs Waving Hand (Dover 122) 134: Clothed Female Descending Stairs With Basin In Hands 138: Nude Female Descending Stairs Turning Around Holding Pitcher Left Hand 147: Nude Female Descending Stairs Water Jar Right Shoulder 150: Nude Female Descending Stairs Stooping Picking Up Pitcher Turning (Dover 124) 154: Nude Male Running Straight High Jump (Dover 24) 171: Nude Female Stepping on Trestle Jumping Down Turning (Dover 144) 176: Nude Female Skipping Over Rocks Carrying a Fishing Pole in Right Hand 178: Nude Female Stepping Over Trestle (Dover 145) 180: Nude Female Stepping On Over Chair 182: Nude Female Crawling (loop) (Dover 147) 184: Nude Female Walking Crawling on Hands and Feet (loop) 195: Nude Female Dancing (Dover 149) 198: Clothed Female Curtseying 202: Nude Female Dropping Lifting Handkerchief 204: Nude Female Stooping Pick Up Ball 210: Clothed Female Stooping To Lift Dress Fan In Left Hand 211: Clothed Female Stooping and Lifting Handkerchief Parasol In Left Hand (loop) 212: Clothed Female Dropping Broom Lifting Bucket Of Water 213: Nude Female Lifting Emptying Basket 216: Semi Nude Female Dress Bending Over Filling Water Jar Placing It On Head 219: Nude Female Stooping Lifting Broom Sweeping (Dover 130) 220: Nude Female Stooping Lifting Handkerchief Turning (Dover 129) 223: Nude Female Stooping Lifting Water Basin Standing Turning 225: Nude Female Placing Water Jar From Shoulder to Ground 226: Nude Female Placing Water Jar Ground From Shoulder Turning 234: Clothed Female Stooping Lifting and Emptying Basin Full of Water and Turning 240: Clothed Female Walking Sitting In Chair and Flirting Fan 249: Nude Male Rising Chair 251: Nude Female Kneeling Left Knee Basket Left Hand Rising (loop) (Dover 133) 253: Semi Nude Female Dress Kneeling Elbows On Chair Hands Clasped (Dover 170) 256: Nude Female Lying on Ground Reading (Dover 172) 257: Nude Male Lying On Ground (Dover 91) 261: Nude Female Getting Into Hammock (Dover 174) 262: Nude Female Getting Out of Hammock 264: Nude Female Getting Out of Bed Preparing to Kneel (Dover 181) 267: Semi Nude Female Dress Turning Changing Position On Ground 269: Nude Female Rising From Ground Newspaper Left Hand (Dover 179) 270: Nude Female Rising From Ground Magazine Left Hand 271: Semi Nude Female Cloth Skirt Arising From Ground with Paper In Left Hand; this plate is missing the title 295: Clothed Female Playing Lawn Tennis 296: Clothed Female Playing Lawn Tennis 298: Clothed Female Playing Lawn Tennis 299: Clothed Female Playing With Ball Racket In Right Hand 343: Nude Male Striking Blow Left Hand 366: Semi Nude Male Underwear Running Jumping Hitch and Kick; this plate is missing the title 382: nude Male Lifting Log On End (Dover 41); this plate is missing the title 387: Nude Male Farmer Long Handle Shovel 388: Nude Male Farmer Using Spade (loop) (Dover 78) 389: Nude Male Farmer Scattering Seed 394: Nude Male Turning Crank Handle 395: Nude Male Turning Crank Handle 396: Nude Male Pounding With Mallet 397: Nude Male Lifting 75lb Stone On Shoulder 398: Nude Male Lifting Bucket Water Empty It 399: Nude Male Emptying Bucket Water 400: Nude Male Emptying Bucket Water 402: Nude Female Emptying Bucket Water (Dover 159) 403: Clothed Female Emptying Bucket Water 404: Clothed Female Emptying Bucket Water 422: Clothed Female Toilet Putting On Shoes Rising From Chair 424: Clothed Female Toilet Rising From Chair Putting On Shawl 435: Nude Female Ironing Clothes (Dover 135) 442: Nude Female Stooping Rolling Stone On Ground 454: Clothed Female Taking 12lb Basket From Head Placing On Ground 483: Clothed Female - Lifting Basket - Walking Carrying Parasol Waving Handkerchief 486: Nude Male - Tennis - Ascending Stairs - Descending Stairs - Ascending Ladder 487: Clothed Female - Ascending Step - Picking Up Handkerchief - 180 Rotation Walking 513: Semi Nude Female Dress Climbing On And Off Table 523: Semi Nude Male - 180 Rotation - Miscellaneous Throwing 500: Nude Female Various Movements With Water Jar 609: Horse Trotting Harnessed To Sulky Clothed Male Rider
In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective qualified opinion.

Catalogue Note

Ben Bailey, shown here in a boxing study, was the only African-American to be featured in Eadweard Muybridge's extensive, 611 plate study of human and animal locomotion. Muybridge's other models consisted of professors and students from the University of Pennsylvania, patients from a west Philadelphia hospital, and models from Philadelphia's Academy of the Fine Arts.
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