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Boyle, Robert

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  • New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching The Spring of The Air, and Its Effects, (Made, for the Most Part, in a New Pneumatical Engine. Oxford: Printed by H. Hall [for Thomas Robinson], 1662 — New Experiments and Observations Touching Cold, or, an Experimental History of Cold, Begun. To Which Are Added an Examen of Antiperistasis, and an Examen of Mr. Hobs’s Doctrine about Cold. Whereunto Is Annexed an Account of Freezing … Together with an Appendix, Containing Some Promiscuous Experiments and Observations Relating to the Precedent History of Cold. London: Printed for Richard Davis, 1683
  • Paper, Ink, Leather
Two works in four parts bound in one volume, 4to (7 1/4 x 5 3/4 in.; 184 x 146 mm). New Experiments Physico-Mechanical: Three parts in one volume. Half-title with edition statement and general title within double-ruled border, separate title-pages for A Defence of the Doctrine Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air and An Examen of Mr. T. Hobbes His Dialogus physicus de naturâ aëris with separate registers and pagination and imprints reading: London: Printed by J.G. for Thomas Robinson, 1662. Part I: Engraved folding plate; half-title soiled, short marginal tear to plate, clean 3-inch tear to H1 touching one text line. Part II: Errata on 2q3v, blank leaf 2q4 present. Part III: Engraved plate opposite k2, blank leaves m4 and o4 present, errata on o3v. New Experiments ... Touching Cold: Title within double-ruled border, engraved folding plate opposite A2v; lacking one plate,  title-page age-darkened, marginal soiling in quire 2A. Modern quarter calf of raspberry pink paste-paper boards; spine faded to tan.


New Experiments Physico-Mechanical: William Thomas Brande (signature on title-page). Brande (1788–1866) was a professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution where Michael Faraday acted as his assistant.  — Harvard College Library (stamp dated 5 September 1924 together with deaccession stamp on title-page verso) — David P. Wheatland (ticket on front pastedown).  acquisition: Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, 1987


New Experiments Physico-Mechanical: Wing B3999; ESTC R26549; Fulton 14; PMM 143; Horblit 15; Dibner 142.  New Experiments ... Touching Cold: Wing B3997; ESTC R1738; Fulton 71

Catalogue Note

Second editions of both works. New Experiments Physico-Mechanical contains two additional works with the first announcement of Boyle's Law. "Boyle's experimental proof of the basis of physical property of air, namely that the volume of gas varies inversely with the pressure, constitutes one of the greatest contributions to physical science ... it was further proved that air has weight, and the function of combustion and respiration in air, the conveyance of sound and the elasticity of air all explained" (PMM). The second treatise is described by Fulton as "a milestone in the history of chemistry since it applies a quantitative tool, namely the thermometer, to the study of the interaction of elemental substances and mixtures ..."