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  • Boetius de consolationae [sic] philosophiæ. The boke of Boecius, called the comforte of philosophye, or wysedome, moche necessary for all men to read and know, wherein suche as be in adversitie, shall fynde muche consolation and comforte, and suche as be in great worldly prosperitie may knowe the vanitie and frailtie therof, and consequently fynde eternall felycytie. And this boke is in maner of a dialoge or communication betwene two persones, the one is Boecius, and the other is Philosophy, whose disputations and argumentes do playnly declare the diversitie of the lyfe active, that consisteth in worldly, temporall, and transitory thynges, ... London: In Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the holy Ghost, by Jhon Cawoode, 1556
  • paper, ink, leather
4to (200 x 140 mm). Text in Latin and English, printed in italics and black letter, woodcut initials; some intermittent light staining, two quire browned, worming at extreme bottom margin of a few leaves, lacks final blank. Contemporary blind-stamped calf with gilt spine title; corners repaired.


The Heber-Britwell copy


STC, 3201

Catalogue Note

first edition of this translation by Colville.  Although practically nothing is known of Colvile except that he made this translation, he is on this count alone considered of sufficient eminence to warrant an entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. The Heber-Britwell copy.