- 28
Boemus, Johannes
4,000 - 6,000 USD
bidding is closed
- The Fardle of Facions conteining the aunciente maners, customes, and Lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affrike and Asie... London: by Jhon Kingstone and Henry Sutton, 1555
- paper, ink, leather
Small 8vo (140 x 90 mm). Translated by W. Watreman, black letter, title within woodcut border, large woodcut initial letters; minor marginal repairs in the first gathering to three leaves, not affecting text. Black morocco gilt by Pratt; joints repaired.
Cardiff Castle (bookplate)
STC 3197; ESTC S102775
Catalogue Note
first edition in English of "the first scientific approach to ethnology, portraying a 'pleasant variety of things and yet more profit in the pith' " (Cox I, pp. 69-70).