- 143
Auguste Rodin
12,000 - 18,000 GBP
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Bidding Closed
- Auguste Rodin
- Danseuse Cambodgienne (Groupe F)
- Point of the brush and pink and yellow wash, over graphite;
bears numbering, lower right: Inv. 990.
Purchased from Hans Calmann, 25 March 1938
London, Matthiesen's Gallery, French Drawings, 1938, no. 142;
London, Arts Council, French Drawings from Fouquet to Gauguin, 1952, no. 141
London, Arts Council, French Drawings from Fouquet to Gauguin, 1952, no. 141
Catalogue Note
This rare drawing, depicting a Cambodian dancer, was executed by Rodin circa 1906-08 and originally intended as a preparatory study for an unrealised decorative scheme in the deconsecrated chapel of the l'ancien séminaire de Saint Sulpice, Paris, which was itself intended to house the Musée d'art contemporain (Musée du Luxembourg). The old deconsecrated chapel was to be devoted to the sculptures of Rodin, with La Porte de l'Enfer surrounded by frescoes on the theme of Paradise, also due to be painted by the artist.
This work will be included in the forthcoming Catalogue raisonné des dessins et peintures d’Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) being prepared by Christina Buley-Uribe under the archive number 160503.