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English Civil War
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- A collection of 23 pamphlets, comprising:
- Paper
i) [His] Majesties Manifest touching the Palatine Cause; and the votes of both houses of Parliament concerning the same. Robert Barker / John Bill, 1641, [Wing C2425], clipped along upper edge including first word of title; ii) A True Copy of the Petition of the Gentle-women, & Trade-men wives in, and about the City of London. J. Wright, 1642 [Wing T2657]; iii) Three Speeches Made by the Kings most excellent Maiesty. Rich Johnson, [1642] [Wing C2825]; iv) His Majesties Declaration to all his loving Subjects; shewing His true Intentions in advancing lately to Brainford. Robert Barker/ John Bill, 1642 [Wing C2254]; v) The Ordinance and Declaration of the Lords and Commons, for the Assessing all such who have not contributed sufficiently for the raising of Money, Plate, &c. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1642 [Wing E1771C]; vi) A Plea for the King. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1642 [Wing P2520]; vii) Bland, Peter. A Royall Position, whereby ‘tis proved, that ‘tis against the Common Laws of England to Depose a King. John Field, 1642 [Wing B3163]; viii) XI Queries Propounded and Answered, shewing whether it bee Treason to bee for or against the King. [n.p.], 1642 [Wing E497]; ix) A True Relation of two Merchants of London. Humphrey Watson, 1642 [Wing T3075]; x) Andrewes, R. A perfect Declaration of the Barbarous and Cruell practises committed by Prince Robert, the Cavalliers, and others in his Majesties Army, from the time of the Kings going from his Parliament untill this present day. Fr. Coule, 1642 [Wing A3154]; xi) The List of the Army Raised under the command of his excellency, Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Boucheir and Lovaine. John Partridge, 1642 [Wing L2413]; xii) His Maiesties Letter, directed to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster: Concerning a treaty for Peace. John Wright, 1643 [Wing C2387]; xiii) A Declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament: Concerning his Maiesties Proclamation. T. Wright, 1643 [Wing E1375]; xiv) [Tertullian]. A True Christian Subject under a Heathen Prince. Oxford: Henry Hall, 1643, [Wing T789], clipped along upper edge; xv) Sir Thomas Fairfaxs his last letter of the Treaty with Sir Ralph Hopton. Mathew Walbancke, 1645 [Wing F170]; xvi) The Kings Cabinet opened: or, certain packets of secret letters & papers, written with the Kings own hand, and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby-Field. Robert Bostock, 1645, [Wing C2358], lacking first blank leaf and final errata leaf; xvii) Rushworth, John. Sir Ralph Hoptons and all his forces coming in to the Parliament. Edward Husband, 1646 [Wing R2330]; xviii) His Maiesties Most Gracious Message, May the 12th from Holdenby. Rich Royston, 1647 [Wing C2511]; xix) [Hudson, Michael]. The Royal, and the Royallists Plea. [n.p.], 1647, [Wing H3262], lacking final blank leaf; xx) A Retort: or, New Errors extracted, and Old ones refined. Printed for R.W., 1647 [Wing R1181]; xxi) [Charles I]. Les Dernieres Paroles du Roy D’Angleterre, Avec son Adieu aux Prince & Princesse ses enfans. Paris: François Preuveray, 1649; xxii) Sergeant Thorpe Judge of Assize for the Northern Circuit, his charge, as it was delivered to the Grand-Jury at Yorke assizes the twentieth of March, 1648. T.W. for Mathew Walbancke and Richard Best, 1649 [Wing T1070]; xxiii) [Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine]. A Brief Relation of his Majesties, and the French Kings forces under my command, with the Dutch. The 11th August, 1673. Near the Texel. [n.p.], 1673 [Wing R2286]
Catalogue Note
INCLUDING SEVERAL SCARCE PAMPHLETS RECORDED IN ONLY A FEW COPIES, namely A Retort: or, New Errors extracted, and Old ones refined (xx), which ESTC lists in just four collections, and The Ordinance and Declaration of the Lords and Commons (v) and A Brief Relation of his Majesties, and the French Kings forces under my command (xxiii), both of which are not held by the British Library and are known elsewhere in nine and six copies respectively.