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Luah ha-Dikduk (Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraeam), Nicolas Clénard, Louvain: Thierry Martens, 1529, bound with: Ex Variis Libellis Eliae Grammaticorum …, Jan van Campen, Louvain: Thierry Martens, 1528
- Printed Paper, Leather Binding
Catalogue Note
Rare first edition of Clénard's Hebrew grammar. Clénard was among the first generation of pupils at the Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense, the college founded in 1517 by the humanist Jérôme de Busleyden. Clenardus' methodical and clearly presented Hebrew grammar proved to be enormously popular and became a standard text, reissued many times over the next century. Like Clénard, the Dutch Hebraist and theologian Jan van Campen studied at the Collegium, where he later became Professor of Hebrew. His treatise on masoretic Hebrew, the second work in this volume, was published in the same year as Levita’s Hebrew grammar, from which Van Campen borrowed liberally.
Martens was the leading printer in Louvain during the first third of the sixteenth century and oversaw a number of books specifically for the Collegium. Both of these titles would have been particularly suitable as Hebrew was one of the college's three languages.