- 36
Miniature Torah Scroll, in Hebrew, manuscript on vellum [Ashkenaz (probably Germany or Poland), eighteenth century]
3,000 - 5,000 GBP
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- Vellum and Silver
a scroll, 200mm. high, on 42 membranes, complete, with Genesis (Bereshit: membranes i-ix), Exodus (Shemot: ix-xvii), Leviticus (Vayikra: xvii-xxiv), Numbers (Bamidbar: xxiv-xxxii) and Deuteronomy (Devarim: xxxii-xlii) , columns of text with 42 lines in a fine Ashkenazi square script, ornamental penwork extending from top line of script on membranes at beginning and end of volume, on carved wooden rollers (section missing from base of left-hand roller), some small losses to bottom edge of membranes (perhaps rodent damage), else in excellent condition; with binder, cover and two contemporary silver filigree rimonim (Torah finials) with bells