

Lot 26
  • 26

Three leaves from illuminated antiphoners, and a single leaf from a Missal, in Latin, on vellum [late thirteenth to early sixteenth century]

3,000 - 5,000 GBP
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  • ink and vellum
four leaves: (a) leaf from a Gradual, 463mm. by 312mm., with the Adoration of the Host in an illuminated initial ‘C’ (opening “Cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti …”, the introit for the Feast of Corpus Christi), in scrolling white over blue, on gold grounds with a realistic flowerbud in the lower left-hand corner, enclosing a middle-aged man and woman (presumably patrons) kneeling with followers before an altar, gazing at the host within an elaborate gothic metalwork vessel, full border of flowers, fruit and foliage on gold and plain vellum grounds, 9 lines of text with music on a 4-line red stave, verso with rubric and 8 lines of similar text, some scuffs and small smudges, else fair, northern France, c.1500; (b) leaf from an antiphoner, 512mm. by 388mm., with a large initial ‘A’ (opening “Adaperiat dominus cor vestrum …”, the first Response from the first Nocturn of the first Sunday in October), in pink acanthus leaves terminating in red, blue and plain vellum swirls and enclosing gold fruit, scrolling border decoration on two sides, the remainder of “Adaperiat” in ornate penwork capitals touched in red, 7 lines with text on a 4-line red stave, verso with 7 similar lines, small scuffs to gold, else excellent, Bologna, late thirteenth or early fourteenth century; (c) leaf from an antiphoner, 610mm. by 420mm., with a large pink initial ‘D’ (opening “Dum esset Rex in accubitu …”, the first antiphon from Lauds from the Common of Saints), enclosing a sprig of foliage, rubrics in red, 5 lines of text with music on a 4-line red stave, 4 penwork initials with foliate flourishes touched in blue, green and pink, gold crackled, else good, Lombardy, second half of fifteenth century; plus (d) leaf from a Missal, 345mm. by 245mm., with a Mass for the anniversary for the foundation of a church, instructions for a prayer to be said after the taking of Communion and the antiphons and responsories to be sung after the procession to the sepulchre, music on a 4-line red stave, rubrics in red, four simple initials in red and blue (3 with contrasting penwork), one instruction to rubricator left on recto, later 2-line addition in Italian at foot of verso, overall fair condition, Italy, fifteenth century
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