- 25
All Saints, in a large initial on a leaf from an illuminated manuscript Gradual, on vellum [North-east Italy (probably Padua), second half of the fifteenth century]
3,000 - 5,000 GBP
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- Vellum
single leaf, 580mm. by 410mm., with a large initial ‘G’ (opening “Gaudeamus omnes in domino …”, the introit for the Feast of All Saints), 138mm. by 140mm., in soft pink touched with white brushwork, enclosing the Virgin, hands clasped in prayer, surrounded by followers, all before a wide blue sky, on brilliantly burnished gold grounds, two cornucopia at head and foot of initial producing fruit and sprays of realistic foliage with realistic pink and blue flowers with bezants, first few opening letters of “Gaudeamus” in alternate red and blue capitals touched in contrasting ink, rubrics in red, 12 lines of text (3 with music on a 4-line red stave), verso with 5 lines of text with 4-line red stave, near-contemporary folio number “CCVIII” at upper corner, small scuffs and chips to miniature, the most serious across the body of the Virgin caused by leaf once being folded, small damage (perhaps rodent) to base of leaf, else excellent condition with wide margins
Catalogue Note
The use of heavy single penwork strokes to pick out the features of the faces, and the realistic sprays of soft foliage point towards the productions of Padua (cf. Italian Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1953, pl.42: M.428, fol.26v).