Lot 10
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Deux cachets, XIXe siècle

4,000 - 6,000 EUR
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  • Deux cachets, XIXe siècle
  • Silver and lapis lazuli, gold, hardstone, leather
le premier, en pierres dures à montures en or, Angleterre, vers 1835, probablement par Storr & Mortimer, les montures en or ciselé de fleurs et rinceaux, à panneaux de purpurine, malachite et lapis lazuli, la matrice en jaspe sanguin gravée d'armoiries, 7 cm ; 2 3/4 in, ;  dans un étui moderne Wartski ; le deuxième probablement Italien, la matrice ronde en acier gravée des armes des Antonelli, le manche probablement tardif, en lapis lazuli émanant d'une frise en argent de sirènes soufflant dans des conques, la prise formée de feuilles et ornée d'un anneau de rubis, 10,7 cm ; 4 1/4 in

the first of gold-mounted hardstone, English, circa 1835, probably by Storr & Mortimer, tapering, the gold cap, collar and cushion chased with flowers and scrolls, lobed with purpurine, malachite and lapis lazuli, the bloodstone matrix engraved with a coat of arms, 7 cm ; 2 3/4 in, in modern Wartski fitted case ; the second probably Italian, the circular steel matrix engraved with the arms of Antonelli, the handle probably later and formed of lapis lazuli springing from a silver frieze of conch-blowing mermaids, above leaves and a ruby-set collar, 10,7 cm ; 4 1/4 in


The first has a small flaw in one purpurine panel and a well-repaired crack in one malachite panel. The second seal's handle has been broken and again very well repaired, the steel matrix has traces of rust which would benefit from professional cleaning.
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.

Catalogue Note

Les armoiries du premier sont celles de George Paulet (1803-1879), troisième fils du 13e marquis de Winchester, qui épousa Georgina, fille du Major-General Sir George Wood, en 1835, probablement à l'occasion duquel fut crée le cachet. Malgré l'incident international qu'il provoqua en 1843 en défendant les intérêts britanniques comme officier commandant du HMS Carysfort dans les îles hawaiennes, Lord George se distingua lors de la Guerre de Crimée. Il fut par la suite nommé Aide de Camp de la Reine Victoria en 1854 puis Companion of The Order of the Bath in 1855 et Amiral en 1866. Les armoiries sur le second sceau sont celles du Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli (1808-1876), Secrétaire d'Etat du Pape Pie IX à partir de 1848, auxquelles fait écho la frise sur le manche, l'élément central étant une sirène soufflant une corne sous une étoile. 

The arms on the first are those of George Paulet (1803-1879), third son of the 13th Marquess of Winchester, who married Georgina, daughter of Major-General Sir George Wood, in 1835, probably the occasion for this seal. Despite having caused an international incident in 1843 while defending British interests as naval officer in command of HMS Carysfort in the Hawaiian Islands, he distinguished himself during the Crimean War. Lord George was later appointed ADC to Queen Victoria in 1854, Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1855 and full Admiral in 1866.
The arms on the second seal are those of Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli (1808-1876), Secretary of State to Pope Pius IX from 1848. The frieze on the handle echoes the central element of the coat of arms, a mermaid blowing a horn below a distant star.